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Chad's Poetry
My Stuff

About me

Poems I like

The Other Poems

Side Show Chad



Trevor's Poetry

Stupid adventures with Trevor and Mike



About Me

Name: Chad Poelman
Age: 23
Birthday: Sept. 28, 1979
My Home: Brockville, Ontario
Occupation: Zellers Cook
My email:
Status: I'm single ladies


My Family: I have one sister named Christine who is married to Rick, they have two kids Phillip and Ashley. I have 3 bro's Trevor, Shawn and Ryan. My Mom's name is Jane she passed away from cancer July 31,2002 and My Dad's name is John and he's getting married to Lettey Aug. 16 2003 she has two kids Ryan and Lindsey

My Calling: I believe that God has called me to be a missionary in China, until that door opens up I just try to learn what God wants me to learn, to know him better, and to have a little fun in the process.

Hobbies: I kinda taught myself to play bass even though I'm at point right now where I don't think I can advance with out lessons.  I also play way to many video games, and enjoy hanging out at Tim Horton's with my College and Careers group.

Lame stuff I just have to mention: a few vain things that I'm kinda proud of.  I have a pretty cool tattoo on my left arm and when things are bit better financially I'm hoping to get one or two more.  I also have been sporting some sideburns the last couple of weeks that even though I've only had them a short while I am starting to grow quite attached to them.