Hollywood Vamp's Glam, Slam, Vampin' site!

My Must See Sites.....

The Official Vamp 'Zine page & all things vampiric
Glammin' Tunes....(& artists & links & you get the idea!)
Brandon Lee Dedication
Badger Babes Page of Mark Sheppard
Big Damn Heroes! Tasty pics *G*
Captain Tightpants-Nathan Fillion
Ode to Firefly & Serenity
Sean Maher
Keanu Reeves
Stephen Moyer
Bart the Bear Dedication Page
Ye Olde Pirate Page (under construction)
Haunted Page (under construction)
Marilyn Monroe

Welcome to my nightmare! (Actually, just welcome to my site!) Although things are still kinda under construction, we are improving! So, be sure to come on back again soon! Still welcoming any suggestions (within reason that is!)so just give a shout...or e-mail I guess!The page for the Vamp 'Zine is up & running, but more things to come to that as well. If you want to check it out-click on the link below! Glam it - Damn it!

BTW - Having some problems with the Glammin' tunes page, should be back to normal soon! Sorry!

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