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These are the pictures taken from my life as a Torontonian.

Yuki Osawa, a friend from Japan who was studying English here. She graduated from York with a degree in Psychology. To her left if her former roommate.
Yuki's back in Japan now. This is a cake she baked for my brother on his birthday.
This is a from a while back. From left to right are my brother, his girlfriend Carrie, my mom, me, Japanese friend Yuki Osawa, and her parents.
Yuki came back to visit during winter, 1997 along with her friends. Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of the person on the left. The rest are my father, my brother, Noriko, Yuka, Yuki, and yours truly.
This is in the greenhouse at the front of my house (yes we have a greenhouse). The husky in the photo is Ceasar, one of our three dogs. Of the three, Ceasar's the dumbest.
Christmas tree from 2000. Nice, eh?
MBA friends at Yorkdale Mall. From left to right are Alice, Reshma, Angie and Mike.
Yuki and her brother Hiro. Hiro's currently studying English in Canada,
Barbeque at Woodbine Beach with some MBA friends. The person with sunglasses is Winnie, Bo's the one in grey, and Alice is on the right.
Cathy (Yu) Chen, another MBA classmate, at the same Woodbine Beach, summer 2000.
Another picture of Cathy at Woodbine Beach.
Alice (Zhao) Huang, downtown Toronto. This was taken before International Marketing class, at the Nedal Management Centre located in Toronto’s financial district.
Jenny Yeow, another MBA student and classmate in the same International Marketing class.
Jenny once again. She doesn’t think much of this picture, but I like it a lot. I think it looks very natural.
Me and one of Toronto’s “Moose in the City?promotion as part of the 2008 Olympic bid rally. I was all dressed up because this was just before a class presentation.
Photos of Toronto
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