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魂游心神狀態流程 is/was wy?

030210: 單薄的身影/燦麗的苞華, u, us, u-s

021220: 著實的,著陸了......landed on the air & walked on the rainbow

021006: 偶一觸發作病起來......behind & ahead

020916: 醒來一身旱燙......a cat & 2 dogs

020602: 奢侈的還要想欠甚麼 is always a blessing

020217: 每一刻是死亡,每一刻也是重生......'SILENCE IS GOLDEN'

010616: 一個人,靜著......nothingness to nothingness

010330: 至少,如今,我還存在著......"a nightmare on the brains of the living"

010318: 出走,原來不是很輕鬆的事......schizophrenia!


991105: 麻醉的昏眩的厥睡 without wings

991024: 別妄想得到一切......make a wish for all

990902: 誠實驗証 be honest!!!

990818: 別多說。等著瞧......GO AHEAD!!!

990726: 我的心術好簡單......take it seriously

990714: 絕對或者零 to leave

990615: 天羅地網......what a curse!!!

990602: 受不了我受不了......laugh & cry

990519: 血肉模糊...don't worry

990504: 放逐奔跑在逃...flush me, trash me, stride me

990421: 說不厭喊不累...not that little kind

990408: 自以為走遠了,我的心還在...BE A SUPER-DREAMER!!!

990322: 我要懂得堅決的說不...if u're going to give me ur heart

990310: 我要攤著賴著的不動 are finally losing my way

990223: 回來了...thro' the scare of shifts

990209: 讓我出走...KUNG HEY FAT CHOY!!!

990124: 好久沒這麼恬靜過...parade!

990110: 這世界好陸離,我眼花撩亂...i've got a fairy story

981228: 禍不單行...send you all my loving

981217: 鼻子流了一地的血...gonna fly

981201: 玩得好兇...REACH FOR THE MOON

981116: 花費.節約.感謝...praise for the life!

981103: 深秋的天氣有點涼...the sun will rise, the stars will shine & i care

981018: 我的生辰啊...take a break & take a breath

981001: 好苦悶唷!...i've got a hysteria

980920: 心緒不寧...spend no more for the luxury

980905: 這世界是個花花世界啊...keep on sweating!!!

980825: 立字為證 sleepy all the time

980812: 沒甚麼。好累。...not bad, but a bit exhausted



暫別了......see u later!


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