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Action Pictures 4

The Madman soaring through the air with a Flying Elbow Drop

The Madman nailing The End of Happiness on Ultimo Astro

The Phantom nailing Krazy Josh with the Spear

Ultimo Astro with a Picture Perfect Axekick

The Phantom using his strength with a Double Clothesline

Adam Michaels using the ropes to put down Krazy Josh

The Madman showing his power lifting Ultimo Astro up in a Vertical Suplex

Fantastico nailing the Shining Wizard on Adam Michaels

Krazy Josh putting Marc Kold out with the Shock Therapy

Krazy Josh punching the chair into Marc Kold's face

Adam Michaels going Lucha on Fantastico

Say Goodnight Grizzly Bear Adams

Fantastico flying high with the Fantastico Decimation

Krazy Josh nailing the Swanton Bomb on The Phantom

Krazy Josh debuting the Krazy Bomb on Fantastico

Krazy Josh kicking the ladder out of Adam's & Jag's hands

The Phantom taking Krazy Josh out with a variation of the Phantom DDT

The Phantom taking Adam out with the Chokeslam

The Phantom putting Adam out with the Phantom DDT

Marc Kold nailing Jag with a Pole

Go to Action Pictures 5



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