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Action Pictures 2

Marc Kold bleeding from the forehead

Adam Michaels hitting Krazy Josh with a Bulldog through a table

Grizzly Bear Adams Chokeslamming Fantastico

Adam Michaels hitting a Corkscrew Moonsault on The Madman

Krazy Josh with the Devastator on Adam Michaels

Adam Michaels dropkicking Dracan in mid-air

Adam Michaels dropping Dracan down with a Neckbreaker

Adam Michaels dropkicking a pan in the face of Krazy Josh

Krazy Josh dropping Adam Michaels face first on a pan

Adam Michaels about to fly

Krazy Josh missing with a splash

Adam Michaels flying on The Madman

Ultimo Astro hitting a Flying Clothesline on Fantastico

Fantastico flying high with the Fantastic Decimation

Adam Michaels flying in the air

Adam Michaels smacking Dracan with a kick off the ropes

The Madman nailing the Gorilla Press Slam on STR 2001

The Madman & Krazy Josh hitting The Hands of Darkness

Marc Kold with an impressive Hurricanranna

Go to Action Pictures 3



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