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Welcome to the new website for bywpics.com!

I would personally like to thank Sean Valukis of LMSW for creating this site, and helping me ALL the time with it.

With the new site design, we hope to make your visit at bywpics a better one. There are some new features, and easier ways to do things now.

I am sorry to say that any federation that submitted to bywpics will not be on this update. The document that stored the information for the website was deleted. If you notice that your fed isn't on yet, or I promised you something that isn't mentioned on here yet, e-mail me.

There is a new section called Wrestler Spotlight. This will be updated about once a week. It will feature wrestlers that aren't as well known as the ones on Moo Moo Interviews, but ones that deserve and want exposure for their fed. If you want to be featured on Wrestler Spotlight, please check out the page, and you will see a list of questions you can ask yourself.



Copyright 2001 BYWPics.Com.
All Rights Reserved.
Site Design and Graphics By Sean Valukis of LMS Wrestling.