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Harry Potter Kingdom
Harry Potter Kingdom Anime .::LunarXP::.

- HPK Main
- News
- History of HPK
- Linkz
- Affiliation
- Link 2 Me
- Staff Page
- Join the Staff! - Awards

- Hogwarts On-Line
- Diagon Alley: HPK's Message Boards

Fun 'n' Games!
- HP Obsession Tests!
- Poll Plaza

- HP and SS/PS the Movie

- International Book Covers
- Rumors & Facts

- How HP Came To Be
- HP Name Origens
- Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans List

- Fanfics & Fanart

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to visit HP Kingdom since January 28, 2003. Tell your friends about HPK to help me reach 25,000!

HPK's Updates
  • Added a Join the Staff! page! Just fill out the form to apply for the job of your choice! Click here!
  • Two new pages added! Affiliation and Link 2 Me!
  • HPK earned it’s first award! Click here to see it!
  • Seven new obsession tests added! Click here to take them!

  • Hello and welcome to Harry Potter Kingdom, HP Kingdom for short and HPK for, well, even shorter. This is a somewhat new website; it was created around the beginning of February, so it's not the biggest site out there, but there are a bunch of things to do. (I recommend checking out the HP Obsession Tests) Anywho, thanks for coming to my site, I hope that you enjoy your stay, and please sign the guestbook! ^_^


    Quote of the Month

    "Yeah? Did he say you look like a pig that's been taught to walk on it's hind legs? 'Cause that's not a cheek, Dud, that's true..."
    - Harry

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    Welcome to Harry Potter Kingdom

    Ways to Annoy Dementors

    1. Hand them a bottle of wart remover.
    2. Offer them a chocolate bar.
    3. Give them a coupon for a sickle off of their next lipstick purchase.
    4. When they lift up thier hood say, "ooh, now I can see why you keep that thing covering that face of yours"
    5. Start dancing to YMCA.
    6. Shine a flashlight in their face.
    7. Tell them to save you a seat in hell.
    8. Teach them to tap dance.
    9. Dye their cloak pink.
    10. Ask them if they are related to the reeper.
    11. Ask them what body of water did they decay in. (Thanks, Lauren!)
    12. Try to get them to pose for a camera. (Thanks, Alex) Thanks to Mishi, for sending me the beginning of this list with the first ten ways!

    Submit your own "Way to Annoy Dementors"! Just fill out the form below!


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