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  • Hello and welcome to Harry Potter Kingdom, HP Kingdom for short and HPK for, well, even shorter. This is a somewhat new website; it was created around the beginning of February, so it's not the biggest site out there, but there are a bunch of things to do. (I recommend checking out the HP Obsession Tests) Anywho, thanks for coming to my site, I hope that you enjoy your stay, and please sign the guestbook! ^_^

    ~SweetCyd, Webmistress of HPK~

    Quote of the Month

    "Nervous, Harry?" -Oliver Wood
    "A little." -Harry
    "Felt the same way before my first game." -Oliver
    "What happened?" -Harry
    "Well...I don't really remember. Took a bludger to the head three minutes in...woke up in hospital a week later." -Oliver

    Site of the Month

    Severe- His Dark Secret



    Welcome to Harry Potter Kingdom

    Harry Potter: the Worst Year

  • HyPrAticeIdiot1

    Chapter 1

    The Riddle House stood up on the hillside once a fine looking mansion now a torn down scrap pile. There has been no master of this place since the Mr. and Mrs. Riddle died there. Nobody had been near there since Frank Bruce's mysterious death. All of the three of whom were found on the floor stone cold, dead with a look of horror on their face.

    The murder of all of them had been the same of course. The same person that killed Harry Potter's parents and tortured Neville Longbottom's, until they no longer knew who there son was or who anyone was. The person responsible for these acts and many more is Lord Voldemort.

    Lord Voldemort had returned in Late June of 1994. He some how ceased from being a meir shadow and became more powerful than he had been at his down fall. He returned using three elements. Of each there was an obstacle, but there was a way around them all. The main one was to capture the Boy-Who-Lived. The other two was to get the bone of Voldemort's father and the flesh of a servant. It took him 11 months to return to power after coming out of hiding in an Albanian Forest. He had ceased to be a shadow and Lord Voldemort had returned after being thawed by Harry Potter twice. The night grew cold, as Harry Potter lay flat on his back as the horrifying memories floated freshly in his mind.

    Harry looked at his clock and it read 1:00. He hadn't realized he had been 15 for a full hour. He looked out onto the Horizon and saw not a Meir Owl. He wondered what happened to Hedwig? She never missed his birthday before. She always went to pick up Hermione's presents. Suddenly Harry caught a glimpse of two large, What looked like Minerstry Owls carrying a large package. Harry noticed that it was in the shape of a Birdcage. The two owls quickly sat the package on his bed and then left. Harry opened it cautiously. He saw that it very much was a bird, but it wasn't any ordinary bird. It was a phoenix. It reminded Harry of Fawkes. There was a note attached to the metal bars of the cage. It read:

    This is also one of your fathers things. This was his Phoenix. I was supposed to give it to you in your 7th year. I have some bad news. Voldemort has killed Hedwig. So the phoenix, His name is Falcore. He can carry extremely large packages and get them there fast. No one will be able to intercept him endless they want to get killed. Use Him Well

    Harry knew whom it was from. He couldn't help a tear from rolling down his face, because his beloved Hedwig has deceased. As he looked out onto the Horizon he saw four other birds flying over to him. He saw one of them was Pig. Harry’s best friend Ron’s owl the other one was unmistakable in the night sky. It was Hermione's owl; She got from Viktor Krum while she visited there for the summer. He opened the window and let the owls fly in. The other one was from Hogwarts and the last one was from Sirius. He opened the one from Hogwarts first:

    Mr. Potter,

    Please note that the new school year begins September 1. The Hogwarts Express leaves Platform 9 3/4 at 11:00.

    You have been selected to be on the Hogwarts quidditch team as a seeker. Please get the form that is enclosed with the package signed by a parent or guardian.

    Yours truly,

    Minerva McGongall

    Deputy Headmistress

    Harry sat the letter down and pulled out the permission form and looked at it. He needed to get Sirius to sign it. He sat it down next to the letter. Before he opened another he made sure that he still heard snoring in the room next to him and it was a positive sign there was snoring to be heard. He decided to open Sirius’s letter next. He opened it and read:


    Happy Birthday! I have good news! I’m free! I can pick you up Sunday at 7:00 P.M. I can’t wait to see you! I’m staying at Lupin’s for now. I’m moving back to my old house tomorrow. I’ll see you then. I hope you like your birthday present!


    Harry sat the letter down. He looked at the parcel and then opened it. It was a brand new broom. It was the top of the line GoldenSnitchX02X. He read the tag witch read:

    This is the newest and Fastest Model yet! The GoldenSnitchX02X has an acceleration of 0-600 in five seconds. It is a must have for any young seeker or Professional seeker! There were only 100 of these made. You’re broom number is 18.

    He looked up and felt happy. He’d be going to live with Sirius Sunday! He couldn’t remember the last time he felt like that. He sat up, he didn’t realize that he’d been lying there for a few hours and it was now 3:00. He listened and heard snoring in the other rooms witch was a good sign and then went to Ron’s owl; Pig. He took the letter off his best friend’s owl, who was very tiny. He was about the size of a tennis ball. Harry’s godfather Sirius Black had given him to Ron, because he felt guilty about Ron not having a rat anymore. Little did Ron know before his third year that Scrabbers was one of Voldemort’s followers; A rat by the name of Peter Pettigrew also known as Wormtail. He was the one responsible for Harry’s parents deaths. He betrayed them that night, he was supposed to be the Potter’s secret keeper, but instead gave them up to Voldemort. Little did anyone know that night would be Voldemort’s down fall? Harry quickly snapped back into reality. He quickly opened Ron’s letter and read quickly:


    Did you hear? Or did Sirius tell you? He’s free! Isn’t that Great? Wouldn’t that mean you get to live with him? I hope so. I think it would be cool! You’d get to leave those muggles you live with! Oh yeah Happy Birthday! The twins go money to start their shop! It’s in Hogsmead by the pub! We can go and see them! Dumbledore said they could run their shop as long as they don’t get in any trouble in there last year at Hogwarts. Did you hear? Hermione is prefect! I hope she doesn’t turn out like Percy! Well I got to go...Mum’s calling for dinner! I hope you like your present!


    He looked down and picked up the present. It was a book; called The Great Quidditch players of the twentieth century. He looked at it happily. He sat it down and went to Hermione’s owl; named Godric. Harry thought proberly after Godric Gryffindor. He opened the letter and read:


    Happy Birthday! I hope you like your present! Did you hear? Well you proberly did from Ron and Sirius. Did you see all the books we need for this year? I heard that we are going to be studying dark arts instead of Defense Against the Dark Arts!

    Harry I want to ask you something! It’s personal I know and I know Dumbledore told me and Ron not to bug you about it but, I can’t help wondering...How did You-Know-Who return? If you don’t feel like answering you don’t have to. Well did anyone tell you? I made Prefect! I was a little surprised when I got my letter. I thought it would be you! I mean you’re the boy-who-lived...and Dumbledore likes you! Don’t act shocked about that last remark! Well I was also wondering...Do you think Ron likes me, likes me? I do! I hope we’d end up going out with each other! He’s cute! Can you meet me at Diagon Alley August 26th at 12:00? If you can’t I guess I’ll see you on the Hogwarts Express September 1.


    Harry looked up and saw that his door was slightly ajar. He listened to the night air and heard no noises, no snores, and no crickets chirping...nothing! He got up and looked out the door and saw a pair of brown eyes; witch belonged to Harry’s overweight cousin Dudley. Dudley ran toward the steps and Harry followed. Harry didn’t see Dudley stick his fat leg out. He tripped and rolled down the steps. He sat up and felt a sharp pain in his right leg. He tried to stand up, but the pain was too great. He tried to regain his balance. He stood his leg shaking underneath him. He felt the pain as if the spider in the third task just attacked him. He didn’t know what to do.

    It looked pretty bad for Harry. It seemed that Dudley went to get Uncle Vernon. His Uncle would flip! He heard footsteps going down the hall. He looked up at them from the bottom of the steps.

    “Potter! What the Bloody hell are you doing?” Uncle Vernon Roared.

    “I was going to get a drink of water and I tripped and fell and rolled down the steps and I think I’ve broken my leg!” Harry said feeling a little nauseous.

    “Is that so?” Uncle Vernon said quietly. “I’ll drive you to the hospital in the morning! Now hop up here and go back to sleep! It’s 4:00!”

    Harry couldn’t help wondering why Uncle Vernon was being nice to him. He’d been this way since he came back from Hogwarts. He limped up the steps in silence. He then, made his way to his room. He sat down on his bed. He had to make a decision, both use magic and fix his injured leg or get a muggle cast put on. He could imagine the embarrassment or going to Hogwarts on crutches. He could only imagine the smirk on Malfoy’s face. He knew he was going if he liked it or not so he decided he could magic it off the day before Hogwarts stated. The plan sounded stupid in his head. He had no other choice; they weren’t allowed magic outside of school.

    He realized that he still didn’t open Hermione’s present. He leaned over to the present that was sitting on his bed. He unwrapped his present and stared at a brand new Broomstick carrying case. He sat it down on the bed with all the other presents. He sat the cards on his desk and sat all his presents under his bed. He lay on his back staring at the ceiling. He looked at the clock and it read 6:00.

    He sat up and looked in the mirror. He looked at a very thin, black haired boy. There was one thing highly unusual about Harry. Besides the fact that Harry was a wizard but, Harry also was the Boy-Who-Lived. For Harry is the only person ever to block the unblockable avada kedvara curse. He had a very thin lightning bolt on his for head. This was the only relic of his mysterious past. He had been only one year old when he received this mysterious scar. He received that scar from none other than Lord Voldemort himself. Voldemort had killed Harry’s parents, Lilly and James Potter that mysterious night. No one knew what happened that night. No one knew except for Harry, Voldemort, Lilly and James. Only two of them remained among the living. Harry had come inches from death on many occasions.

    In his first year Professor Quirrel who turned out to be a deatheater almost killed him. He survived. He was uncautious for only one week after his encounter.

    Then, in his second year Voldemort acted through Ginny Weasley. He made her open the chamber of secrets and set it after muggle borns. Harry heroically saved Ginny Weasley, getting bit by a Basilisk in the process. He came an inch to death once again, but Fawkes the Phoenix saved him. Tom Riddle was sucked back into his diary.

    In Harry’s fourth year Harry ended up in the TriWizard tordment. He was sucked by a porkety into Voldemort’s waiting clutches. Voldemort ceased to be a Meir shadow and risen again more powerful than ever. The good times were over and the dark times begun again.

    Harry watched the sun rise over the housetops. He sat quietly and looked at the clock witch read 7:00. His uncle Vernon would be up any moment. The tension grew as the minutes went by. He heard his Uncle get up and walk down the hall toward his door. As seconds seemed to last for hours and minutes days! His nerves were starting to get the best of him. He was shaking madly. He had never been to a muggle hospital.

    Yes, he did break bones, but they were unavoidable if you attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He had broken his arm once before in his second year. A Rouge Bludger hit him. That night he also had to regrow them over night because, of a crackpot professor. He had removed all the bones in his arm.

    He listened closely to the noises in the hall. He felt the door open. He didn’t have to see it to know that it was open.

    “Potter, get up!” Uncle Vernon told Harry.

    “Ok, Uncle Vernon,” Harry replied.

    “You better hope that your leg is broken or no meals for a week!”

    “It is! I can feel it!” Harry said trying to defend himself.

    “How would you know? You never broke a bone!” Uncle Vernon said.

    “I broke my arm in second year playing quidditch! A bludger hit me! And not that long after a basilisk bit me!”

    “What the Bloody hell is a basilisk?” Uncle Vernon asked.

    “It’s a huge snake. Its glare is deadly and so is its bite! It’s about 60 feet long,” Harry explained.

    “If its venom is deadly then how did you survive?” Uncle Vernon replied.

    “I had some help by Fawkes, a phoenix.”

    “Oh ok. Well if we want to be back by lunch we need to leave now!”

    “I just hope I don’t see Malfoy!” Harry muttered to himself.

    “What was that?” His Uncle asked.

    “Nothing!” He replied.

    “It didn’t sound like anything!” Uncle Vernon stated.

    “I said, `I just hope I don’t see Malfoy!’” Harry said quickly.

    “Who the hell is Malfoy?” He asked.

    “A Slytherin...In my year. Him and me have been archenemies since the school train!” Harry said darkly.

    “Oh...Now move along.”

    Harry got up and limped out the door. He remembered that he had Falcore and he would have saved him the whole trip, but as Harry thought he remembered that Falcore was outside hunting somewhere. He didn’t know how to call him. He didn’t even know if phoenix tears would help broken bones! He sat down in the front seat of the car. Uncle Vernon walked to the car and sat down in the driver’s side and swiftly pulled out of the drive way and onto the expressway. He wondered why his aunt and Uncle couldn’t be wizards and witches. He looked out the window and watched the scenery pass by. Before Harry realized it they were in muggle London. He saw a few people in cloaks, but no one he knew. Then if his day wasn’t going back enough he saw the one person that could make his day worse:

    -Draco Malfoy.

    “Aw...”Harry moaned at seeing that Draco was standing in the parking lot of the hospital.

    “What are you moaning about boy?” He asked.

    “Um...nothing,” He quickly lied.

    “All right...Now get out!” Uncle Vernon demanded.

    He looked straight into the gray eyes that were Draco’s. He saw Draco smirk. Harry wished that he had his invisibility cloke.

    “Get out boy!” Uncle Vernon said throwing Harry out of his seat onto the ground. Harry quickly got back to his feet and looked into the cold eyes of Draco.

    “Well, Well, Well...Potter is hanging out with mudbloods! I could expect more decency from a half blood!” Draco started.

    “Malfoy, You’re not any better than I am!” Harry replied.

    “Potter, you are a disgrace to the name wizard!” Draco said.

    “Not any more than you!” Harry said pulling out his wand.

    “What are you going to do Potter? You can’t use magic outside of Hogwarts! So you’d get expelled!” Draco said. “Potter, You better watch your back! Voldemort doesn’t pity! Especially you!”

    “Voldemort doesn’t pity anyone! He shows as much pity for his enemies as for his foes!” Harry responded.

    “He has more pity for anyone than you!” Draco said unsympathetically.

    “Boy come! We have to be back before Lunch or you’re getting it! If we don’t no meals for a week!” “What the Bloody Hell are you here for anyways?” Draco asked.

    “Why should I tell you?” Harry replied standing on his shaking leg.

    “Because I’ll jinx you! Then you’ll have a real reason to be here!”

    “I do have a real reason to be here!” Harry whispered.

    “What then?” Draco replied.

    “Boy, If you don’t get a move on it will be your neck!”

    “Yes, Uncle Vernon!” Harry said feeling a little embarrassed. He quickly limped away from Draco. His leg was shaking madly underneath of him. Uncle Vernon walked him into the emergency door. After Harry was checked in the doctor person took him to a room. Harry felt the goose bumps on his neck. The doctor came back and then took x-rays. It was broke in three places. The doctor knocked Harry (which Harry thought it would have just been easier to use the stunning charm) out and then put a red cast on it. He woke up 1 hour later feeling light headed. He woke up to see the faces of his two best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

    “Harry how do you feel?” Hermione asked urgently.

    “I feel drugged!” Harry replied.

    “I wonder why?” Ron said. He didn’t realize how stupid he sounded.

    “Ron, Muggles use drugs when you break a bone! They can’t do magic, remember? They do it so you don’t feel pain but, like Dumbledore said last year, `I can numb the pain but it only makes it worse when you finally feel it.’ Harry isn’t that true?”

    “Yeah,” Harry replied.

    “Muggles suck!” Ron replied.

    “Ron, Hermione is a muggle!” Harry said.

    “I meant muggle ways suck! Our ways are better!” Ron replied. At that exact moment Uncle Vernon walked back in.

    “Boy get up and come on! Were leaving now! Or no food for a week!” Uncle Vernon said. With this Harry stood up and got out of bed and Hermione handed him his crutches.

    “See you at Diagon Alley the 26th?” Harry asked.

    “Yeah,” They both replied.

    Harry limped out the door and down to where his Uncle Vernon was in the parking lot. He looked around and to his dislike Malfoy was still there. He watched Malfoy march over to him. He could feel the dread in his veins. He felt the hair stand up on his neck. He saw not only Draco, but Lucius too. Harry remembered from his previous year at Hogwarts that Lucius was a deatheater. He saw them both walking toward Harry.

    “Only if your the rest of our world could see the great Harry Potter now!” Malfoy smirked.

    Harry couldn’t think of a reply. Suddenly he felt a spine chilling hand on his shoulder.


    Chapter 2

    Harry’s scar burst out with pain as he fell to the ground. Not only was he unprotected he could barely walk with out crutches. His situation was hopeless. He had no mother to die for him. He had no protection except for his mudblood Uncle Vernon. Malfoy was right he was pitiful compared to the dark Lord. He knew who was behind him. He felt the goose bumps spread all over his body.

    “Potter...We meet again,” Voldemort said coldly. With a voice so cold that it sent shivers up his spine. His made his scar burst out with pain. Harry knew all hope was lost. He feared the worst: death. He remembered a lesson that he had learned, `There is no fear except for fear it self. ` He stood perfectly still as terrible memories of the third task floated freshly in his mind as if it had only happened yesterday. For the third time he felt the pain of the Cruciatus Curse. He rolled once again onto his back. His eyes watering in pain. He was lying flat on his back, on the cold, stone, pavement. He regained his balance and stood up his leg shacking madly underneath of him.

    “Potter, I’m going to let you fight at your best.” At that Voldemort flicked his wand and Harry’s cast flew off and his leg was instantaneously fixed. Then he flicked his wand and Harry felt 100% better. He stood up and pulled his wand out of his jean pocket.

    Yes, Harry did know what he was facing. He was facing the Avada Kedvara curse. He wasn’t going to die lying at Voldemort’s feet. He was going to die upright and proud. How his father died. He realized that he didn’t fear death anymore. He decided on `What comes, comes and I’ll face it when it does. ` He took a deep breath and looked into those pitiless eyes. Voldemort’s red eyes burned fiercefully into Harry’s green eyes. Harry’s scar was burning fiercefully on his for head. He backed up a few paces.

    He looked around to see that he had been fully surrounded by deatheaters. None of whom were wearing their uniforms. They only wore long green with silver on the inside robes. He looked around to see Draco standing next the Lucius. Draco just smirked.

    “Scared Potter?” Malfoy said unsympathetically.

    “You wish!” Harry lied. He knew it wasn’t true deep down. He tried not to feel the fear, but he couldn’t help it. His situation was too hopeless.

    “Potter, There is no way to escape! My deatheaters already have orders. You are not getting away this time!”

    He knew this was true, but deep down he knew it wasn’t. He knew that he pulled out of Voldemort’s attacks before. He didn’t know what he could possibly do. You can’t use magic outside of Hogwarts right? He couldn’t think of a spell that could help him. Even if Harry was at his best: He was out numbered at least 40 to 1! He needed some help. He knew that he was on his own.

    Voldemort’s face contorted into a grin. “Say good bye to your memories!”

    “STOP!” Harry yelled at the top of his lungs, even though his voice was still very hoarse.

    “What now Potter?” Voldemort said.

    “Um...I-I was w-wondering...”Harry said with traces of fear in his voice. Voldemort smirked at this. He had the satisfaction of him being scared, or more likely petrified with fear. “I-If y-y-you could tell me why you w-w-wanted to kill me in the first place?”

    “What a quite long story it is...Of course you know that your father was a pureblood?”

    Harry nodded.

    “And your mother a pureblood?”

    Harry just stared, astonished.

    “Yes, Harry your mother was a pureblood. He was 1/2 Witch and 1/2 Vampire. Witch means you are 25% vampire and 75% Wizard. I didn’t want to kill Lilly...Lilly Riddle!”

    Harry just stood there still gaping. He was related to Voldemort? Voldemort was his grandfather!

    “Potter, can you believe it? You are the heir of Slytherin...My heir! You are also of course the heir of Gryffindor! Through your dad...

    “Did you ever hear of this prediction...I forgot who said it, but it went something like this, `The heir of Gryffindor will bring down the heir of Slytherin? I never believed it. But, now I realized that I should of. For James was the heir of Gryffindor and so are you! You brought me down 14 years ago! But after I say the magic words you won’t remember any of this!” Voldemort said as he raised his wand. All that Harry could do was gulp. He tried to remember the good times. He had a bad feeling in his stomach as he stood, surrounded by deatheaters, ready to get hit by a memory charm. He could feel everyone in the circle tense up as Voldemort shrieked “OBLIVIATE!” A bright blue light emitted from Voldemort's wand and left Harry hurdling straight into the wall of deatheaters. He fell straight to his back and looked into the face of Lord Voldemort himself.

    “W-Who am I?” Harry stammered.

    “You? You are Tom Marlovo Riddle Jr. You are a pure blood. You are the heir of Slytherin! You are my son! You are also a deatheater!” Voldemort started. “You are to obey me! If you don’t you will be punished, by me! You are 15 years old and you are just starting Hogwarts! You moved from Durmstrang Academy in May of this year! Got it?”

    “Yeah,” said Harry, or should I say Tom?

    “Malfoy jr.” Voldemort called forth.

    “Yes master?” A boy around 15 walked up from the next to the tall man that probly was his father. He had sleek blond hair and a very pale face.

    “You are ordered to help Tom get his things for his fifth year at Hogwarts.” The tall man with Fire red eyes picked up the one he called Malfoy up by the collar of his robe and muttered something to him. Voldemort quickly dropped him and Draco went back to where he was in the circle. Tom felt very confused. He heard someone in the distance calling a name Harry. It seemed so close yet so far away. He was being sucked away from Voldemort and he sat up in a hospital bed.

    It was a dream right? It had to be. You can’t feel pain in dreams, but Harry clearly did. Was it a dream? Or was it reality?

    Chapters 3 & 4
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  • Updated last 6/19/03