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Wedding Party

Andrea's Attendants

Gwenmarie Ewing, Maid of Honor — Andrea's sister from Boston, MA. Gwenmarie works in Boston doing professional theatre.

Ginger Johnson Hamilton, Matron of Honor - Andrea has known Ginger since kindegarten. Her family became her second family as she was growing up.

Tracie Whitfield, Bridesmaid - Andrea has known Tracie since college, and she was her roommmate in Charlotte for 2 years.

Alison Stalls, Bridesmaid - Andrea met Alison in the SCA. They take dance classes together and generally try to keep their significant others from causing too much trouble.

Laurie "China" Kovaleski, Honorary Bridesmaid - Andrea and China currently share a townhouse in Raleigh. China provides her with that ever needed "reality check".

Scott's Attendants

Erin Chisenhall, Best Woman — Scott's best friend. She is also a good friend of Andrea.

Neal Atlow, Groomsman - Friend of Scott

Chip Atwood, Groomsman - Friend of Scott

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