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In today's society it rare to find parents whipping their children and it's not rare to see kids acting out of control. I believe in whipping your kids for punishment and not out of anger. One smack on a bare hind end will get their attention. I was whipped as a child and it corrected my mistakes. These court records from 1700's show criminals could be burnt in the hand, shipped out of the country or simply killed for their act. Government was smarter then as they didn't see fit to pay to feed, house and guard every criminal.


James Blanchet, Theft > shoplifting, 4th July 1730.
Reference Number: t17300704-37
Offence: Theft > shoplifting
Verdict: Guilty > theft under 1s
Punishment: Transportation

James Blanchet , of St. George in the East , was indicted for feloniously stealing 3 Handkerchiefs, in the Shop of Adam Walker , the 12th of June last.

It appear'd by the Evidence, that the Handkerchiefs were lost from the Prosecutor's Shop-Window, and were found upon the Prisoner; the Fact being plainly proved, the Jury found him Guilty to the Value of 10d.

The Trials being ended, the Court proceeded to give Judgment, as follows:

None receiv'd Sentence of Death.

Burnt in the Hand 4.

John Ward , Richard Macey , and Isaac Emmery , Thomas Jeweller , former Convicts.

Transportation 28.

Mary Clark , Mary Cooper , Gamaliel Bishop , Francis Smith , Elizabeth Skegg , alias Scagg , F - S - , Margaret Brown , Jane Jones , alias Jenkins, Richard Ridgely , John Roff , John Priglove , Susannah Miller , John Burnham , Peter Gates , Alice Leader , James Blanchet , John Hawkswell , Robert Wheeler , John Collins , Edward Shaftoe , David Dickson , Jane Jenkins , Margaret Hobsor , Mary Smith , Susannah Collins , James Brennan , Andrew Maccoului , and Mary Thompson .

To be Whip'd 7.

Elizabeth Burton , Anne Pearse , Eleanor Howard , Susannah Miller , Mary Murrey , Esther Tims , Sarah Shakespear , alias Bird.

Thomas Wood , was Fin'd five Marks, and order'd to suffer one Month's Imprisonment after Payment.


transportation punishment


The first major innovation in eighteenth-century penal practice was the substantial expansion of the use of transportation. Although it was believed that transportation might lead to the reformation of the offender, the primary motivations behind this punishment were a belief in its deterrent effect, and a desire to simply remove hardened criminals from society.

Convicts sentenced to transportation being led to a boat at Blackfriars bridge. They include some children and are chained together by their necks

Although many convicts were transported in the seventeenth century, it was done at their own expense or at the expense of merchants or shipowners. In the early eighteenth century transportation came to be seen as a way of creating an effective alternative to the death penalty, that avoided the apparent leniency of the other main options: benefit of clergy and whipping. In 1718 the first Transportation Act allowed the courts to sentence felons guilty of offences subject to benefit of clergy to seven years transportation to America. In 1720 a further statute authorized payments by the state to the merchants who contracted to take the convicts to America.

The first Transportation Act also allowed those guilty of capital offences and pardoned by the King to be sentenced to transportation, and established returning from transportation as a capital offence.

In 1776 transportation was halted by the outbreak of war with America. Although convicts continued to be sentenced to transportation, male convicts were confined to hard labour in hulks on the Thames, while women were imprisoned. Transportation resumed in 1787 with a new destination: Australia. This was seen as a more serious punishment than imprisonment, since it involved exile to a distant land.

In the early nineteenth century, as part of the revisions of the criminal law, transportation for life was substituted as the maximum punishment for several offences which had previously been punishable by death.

Opposition to transportation mounted in the 1830s, however, with complaints that it failed to deter crime, did not lead to the reformation of the convicts, and that conditions in the convict colonies were inhumane. The number of convicts sentenced to transportation began to decline in the 1840s. Transportation was theoretically abolished by the Penal Servitude Act of 1857, which substituted penal servitude for all transportation sentences.


Old Bailey Proceedings front matter, 10th May 1744.
Reference Number: f17440510-1
THE PROCEEDINGS ON THE King's Commissions of the Peace, Oyer and Terminer, and Goal Delivery FOR THE CITY of LONDON; And also the Goal Delivery for the County of MIDDLESEX, Held at Justice-Hall in the Old-Bailey,

On THURSDAY the 10th, FRIDAY the 11th, and SATURDAY the 12th, of May.

In the 17th Year of his MAJESTY'S Reign.


Right Honble Sir Robert Westley , Knt.




Printed, and sold by M. COOPER, at the Globe in Pater-noster Row. 1744.

[Price Six-pence.]


THE PROCEEDINGS ON THE King's Commission of the Peace, Oyer and Terminer, and Goal Delivery held for the City of London, &c.

BEFORE the Right Honourable Sir ROBERT WESTLEY , Knt. Lord-Mayor of the City of London, Mr. Justice BURNET, Mr. Baron CLARKE , Sir SIMON URLIN , Knt. Recorder, and others of His Majesty's Justices of Oyer and Terminer for the City of London, and Justices of Goal-Delivery of Newgate, holden for the said City, and County of Middlesex.

London Jury.

Robert Feverall ,

Richard Duporty .

Benjamin Stonier ,

Joseph Blandford ,

Joseph Allen ,

William Holland *,

John Blanchett ,

John Barwick ,

John Brown ,

Smoult Pye *,

* William Sparrow and Robert Walling were sworn on the London Jury the last day in the room of William Holland and Smoult Pye.

Timothy Cook ,

John Trigg .

Middlesex Jury.

Henry Woolley ,

Edward Manning ,

Samuel Leightenhouse ,

William Harwood ,

George Dorman ,

Charles Church,

George Fettyplace ,

William Cosh +,

+ And Henry Hayman on the Middlesex Jury the second day in the room of William Cosh , who was indisposed.

George Shaw ,

Jonathan Price ,

Edmund Wilson ,

John Johnson .

WILLIAM BLANCHETT, Theft > stealing from master, 5th April 1832.

Reference Number: t18320405-26
Offence: Theft > stealing from master
Verdict: Guilty
Punishment: Transportation

820. WILLIAM BLANCHETT was indicted for stealing, on the 20th of February , 47 ounces and 6 penny-weights of silver, value 11l., the goods of Jonathan Haynes , his master .

JONATHAN HAYNES. I am a silversmith , and live in Red Lion-street, Clerkenwell - the prisoner was in my

employ; I had been robbed to a considerable amount. On the 20th of February my foreman gave me information - I went into the shop to the prisoner, and desired him to give me up my silver, or I should send for an officer; he hesitated a little time; I again desired him to give it up - he then turned round, and gave me some silver cuttings, twisted up in a piece of paper, from the back of a press where he was working; there was I oz. and 4 dwts.; I said to him, "A fortnight ago you robbed me of 50 ozs.;" he asked me if I would forgive him, and admitted that he took 39 ozs. of it - I said, "It will be better for you to state all you know."


Cross-examined by MR. BARRY. Q. How long had he lived with you? A. About twelve months - he was a stamper; he had been employed making tea-pot handles, and he brought back some deficient in weight - the press is mine, but he worked there; cuttings are never placed behind it.

THOMAS HOUGH . I am apprentice to Mr. Haynes. I went with the officer to the prisoner's lodging, and found 7 ozs. of silver, in a box.

WILLIAM BROWN EDWARDS. I am an officer. I went to the prisoner's lodging, and found some silver there - this is what was found by Mr. Haynes.

MR. HAYNES. This is my property - it is cuttings, and could not have been there for any honest purpose; it should have been given back to te foreman.

Cross-examined. Q. Is the foreman here? A. No; the articles are cut out in his shop, and the cuttings should have been left there - there could be no silver on my premises but my own.

GUILTY . Aged 44. - Transported for Seven Years .



As most researchers may attest to, I got sidetracked and followed links to god only knows where. I have found some of the most unique things that way but most are dead ends. I ended up at the national archive center.

I think whoever KM Blanchet is they were in the mix of changing life as we know it now. See title, scope below

Catalogue Reference Title/Scope and Content Covering Dates
ADM 6/224/34 More information Philip Blanchet, John Buller, George Bylieth, James Chambers, Thomas Chambers, William Edwards, John Emley, Thomas Gofton, Henry Hookham, David McMullan, Peter Nicholson, Colin Ross, William Somervile, Robert Taylor, Michael Travers, John Wharham Greenwich out-pensioners applying for admission into Greenwich Hospital as in-pensioners (after service in the Royal Navy, Royal Marines or the Naval Dockyards) 1755 June 25
BT 31/3727/23204 More informationCompany No: 23204; Blanchet and Company and Krajewski, Ltd. Incorporated in 1886. Dissolved before 1916 1886-[1916]
BT 372/2155/66 More informationR697224 BLANCHET P C 09/05/1941 JERSEY 1913 - 1972
C 12/1633/14 More information Jordan v Blanchet b.r.r.r.r. 1774
C 16/182/B93 More information Cause number: 1864 B93. Short title: Baille v Blanchet. Documents: Bill, interrogatories, two answers. Plaintiffs: Maurice Baille. Defendants: Alfred Blanchet and Francois Victor Blanchett. 1864
CAB 102/553 More informationAsphaltic Bitumen, K M Blanchet  
CAB 102/554 More informationThe Contribution of Home Production and the Use of Alternative Fuels, K M Blanchet.  
CAB 102/555 More informationThe Contribution of Home Refining, K M Blanchet.  
CAB 102/556 More informationKerosine, 1939-1945, K M Blanchet.  
CAB 102/557 More informationOil Bunkering in the Second World War, K M Blanchet.  
CAB 102/558 More informationPre-war Planning of Oil Supplies, K M Blanchet.  
CAB 102/559 More informationRegeneration of Waste Lubricating Oils, K M Blanchet.  
CAB 102/560 More informationReplacement of Imported Petroleum by Tar Oils, K M Blanchet.  
CAB 102/561 More informationUse of Gas Oil by the Gas Industry, 1939-1945, K M Blanchet.  
CAB 102/562 More informationHome Refining, Production of Crude Oil and Alternative Fuels, K M Blanchet.  
CO 137/180 More informationLetters from various government offices (departments) and individuals, most of which relate to the despatches sent from the governor in 1831. Correspondents and subjects covered are as follows: Offices (Government departments): House of Commons (manumission returns; 'Slave Act'); Admiralty (the Pearl ordered to put to sea; trial of offences at sea); Agent (detention of mail; intended resignation of Agent; Mr Burge's memorial to Committee of the Lords; Burge's application for office of Agent; manumission returns; condolence and congratulation message; Witness Examination Bill; 'Slave Act' and 'Free Coloured People' Law; motions; payment of troops; Burge interview; list of Acts recently assented to; Sugar Refinery Act; papers to be laid before House; detention of packet; Committee of the Lords; copies of grants; account of Revenue); Commander in Chief (military supplies; troops sufficient for security); Council Office (free ports; operation of Act 2083 for the 'Governance of Slaves'); F 1831
HO 144/1412/276052 More informationNationality and Naturalisation: Blanchet, Charles Adolphe Henri, from Switzerland. Resident in London. Certificate 1,492 issued 19 January 1916. 1916
HO 1/100/3535 More informationNaturalisation Papers: Blanchet, Jean Baptiste, from France. Certificate 3535 issued 6 May 1861. 1861
WO 374/7075 More informationBLANCHET, Lieut C A H 1916-1920


year of 1595

SP 46/39/fo 151 More informationJohn Blanchett to Mr. Babbe; the witnesses for his commission are out of town; asks if his adversary will give him money for the lordship; Hackney; 6 Jan. 1595.

Item reference SP 46/39/fo 151

John Blanchett to Mr. Babbe; the witnesses for his commission are out of town; asks if his adversary will give him money for the lordship; Hackney; 6 Jan. ...


SP  Records assembled by the State Paper Office, including papers of the Secretaries of State up to 1782
  top of page Division within SP  State Papers Domestic, Subject and Miscellaneous
    top of page SP 46  State Papers Domestic: Supplementary
      top of page EXCHEQUER
        top of page SP 46/39  Described at item level

Record Summary

Scope and content
John Blanchett to Mr. Babbe; the witnesses for his commission are out of town; asks if his adversary will give him money for the lordship; Hackney; 6 Jan. 1595.
Held by
The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Public Record(s)


This record interests me!

HCA 32/283/4/1-5 More informationShip: Blanchette formerly Mariane, Master: Jean la Grave, Remarks: French merchant ship 1782


ADM 106/490/91 More information List of master and crew of the Mayflower of Guildford, also for the Captain, John Gothard master, and John Andrews, William Tearer and John Blanchett requiring protections. 1696



ADM  Records of the Admiralty, Naval Forces, Royal Marines, Coastguard, and related bodies
  top of page Division within ADM  Records of the Navy Board and the Board of Admiralty
    top of page ADM 106  Navy Board: Records
      top of page IN-LETTERS
        top of page Miscellaneous
          top of page ADM 106/490  I.-K.

Record Summary

Scope and content
List of master and crew of the Mayflower of Guildford, also for the Captain, John Gothard master, and John Andrews, William Tearer and John Blanchett requiring protections.
Covering dates 1696
Held by
The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Public Record(s)
Language English
Physical condition Enclosed in f.89


Catalogue Reference Title/Scope and Content Covering Dates
C 5/452/94 More informationBlanchett v. Blanchett: Devon 1677
C 9/439/144 More informationVincent v. Blanchett 1700
C 10/154/106 More informationPhillips v Fairside, Blanchett and Catlin: Huntingdon 1669
C 11/577/3 More information Blanchett v Manlove. Answer only. 1749
C 11/578/3 More information Blanchett v Forster. Two bills and two answers. 1749
C 11/578/6 More information Blanchett v Forster. Answer only. 1749
C 11/811/11 More information Blanchett v Stibbs. Two answers. 1727-1760
C 11/867/11 More information Blanchett v Stibbs. Bill only. 1727-1760
C 11/2498/2 More information Blanchett v Manlove. Three bills and three answers. 1748
C 12/1627/10 More information Blanchett v Elwes b. 1770/4
C 12/2013/25 More information Blanchett v Jordan b. 1777
C 16/182/B93 More information Cause number: 1864 B93. Short title: Baille v Blanchet. Documents: Bill, interrogatories, two answers. Plaintiffs: Maurice Baille. Defendants: Alfred Blanchet and Francois Victor Blanchett. 1864
C 16/999/C266 More information Cause number: 1875 C266. Short title: Cooper v Perkin. Documents: Bill, interrogatories, two answers and memorandum service of decree. Plaintiffs: Emily Ann Cooper widow. Defendants: Benjamin Perkin. Amendments: Amended by order 1892. Robert Blanchett Rennie and Henry Ernest Fitzwilliam Comyn added as defendants. 1875
C 108/326 More informationBLANCHETT v HESKETH: Title deeds relating to North Hykeham, Kingston-on-Thames, Teddington, Petersham, Ham, Cheapside (London). Probate of will of Robert Kelke of Lincoln (1636): Lincs, Surrey, Middx 1632-1761
C 128/2 More informationBLANCHETT v CLARKSON 1800

1629 taxation for thomas blanchett for residence in somerset really interest me. Which somerset?

Piece reference E 115/56/110

Certificate of residence showing Thomas Blanchett to be liable for taxation in Somerset. (Details of which pouch this certificate was removed from are now lost. ...


E  Records of the Exchequer, and its related bodies, with those of the Office of First Fruits and Tenths, and the Court of Augmentations
  top of page Division within E  Records of the King's Remembrancer
    top of page E 115  Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Certificates of Residence

Record Summary

Scope and content
Certificate of residence showing Thomas Blanchett to be liable for taxation in Somerset.
(Details of which pouch this certificate was removed from are now lost.)
Covering dates 1629
Held by
The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Public Record(s)

Item reference CUST 116/3/17

Joseph Blanchett. Entry papers for service as an Excise man.


CUST  Records of the Boards of Customs, Excise, and Customs and Excise, and HM Revenue and Customs
  top of page Division within CUST  Central Administrative records of the Board of Excise to 1909
    top of page CUST 116  Entry Papers of Excise Men
      top of page CUST 116/3  B

Record Summary

Scope and content
Joseph Blanchett. Entry papers for service as an Excise man.
Covering dates 1820
Held by
The National Archives, Kew
Legal status Public Record(s)
Language English


Sidetracked again :) pilgrim lists 1600's

surname,  given name,   ship name,  year

Basse Capt Nathaniel Furtherance <1624
Bassett Jo Falcon of London 1635
Bassett Olliver Alexander 1635
Bassett Thomas Christian 1634
Bassett William Abigail 1635
Bassett William & Elizabeth Fortune 1621



back tracked haha

  1. Alice Bassett, victim name in trial of Sarah Jones, Theft > grand larceny, 24th May 1694.

    Sarah Jones was Indicted for stealing two Holland Shifts, value 40s. six Neckcloths, 16s. a dozen of Napkins, Handkerchiefs, and other Linen of good value , from one Alice Bassett Widow . The Cloaths were stole out of a Field in Southwark near St. Savory's...
  2. Bassett, victim name in trial of Elizabeth Jones, Theft > shoplifting, 30th August 1694.

    Elizabeth Jones, alias Owen , was Tried for stealing Six Yards of Bonelace, value 10l. 16s. on the 13th of August . The Prisoner came to the Shop of one Mrs. Bassett upon the Royal Exchange , where her Maid was, and cheapened some Lace to make a Pair of Sl...
  3. Henry Bassett, victim name in trial of Susan Newton, Theft > pocketpicking; Margaret Allen, Theft > pocketpicking, 6th September 1716.

    Susan Newton , and Margaret Allen , were indicted for privately stealing 8 Guineas and 2 s. from the Person of Henry Bassett on the 6th of August last. The Prosecutor swore they pickt him up and carried him to a Place where they sold Wine, and afterwards b...
  4. Sarah Bassett in trial of Eleanor Geary, Violent Theft > robbery; Eleanor Geary, Violent Theft > robbery, 7th December 1743.

    + 29. Eleanor Geary , of St. Bride's , was indicted for assaulting William Johnson , putting him in Fear, &c. and taking from him half a Guinea and one Penny, the Money of the said William Johnson , in the Dwelling House of Edward Young , Nov. 28 . Wil...
  5. Mary Bassett, victim name in trial of Thomas Newman, Theft > grand larceny, 4th December 1745.

    28. Thomas Newman , was indicted for stealing from Mary Bassett 2 l. 7 s. 6 d. Daniel Gibson . I went out the 14th of November to see the Train go, and I was at Home in about three Hours Time. I was in Primrose Street, and the Boy came to me and told me, t...
  6. Mary Bassett in trial of Thomas Newman, Theft > grand larceny, 4th December 1745.

    28. Thomas Newman , was indicted for stealing from Mary Bassett 2 l. 7 s. 6 d. Daniel Gibson . I went out the 14th of November to see the Train go, and I was at Home in about three Hours Time. I was in Primrose Street, and the Boy came to me and told me, t...
  7. WILLIAM BASSETT, defendant name in trial of ELIZABETH the, Theft > theft from a specified place; WILLIAM BASSETT, Theft > theft from a specified place; ELIZABETH the, Theft > grand larceny; WILLIAM BASSETT, Theft > grand larceny, 10th July 1776.

    563. ELIZABETH the wife of WILLIAM BASSETT was indicted for stealing a pair of linen sheets, value seven shillings, the property of James Waring , the said sheets being in a certain ready furnished lodgings , against the statute, June 3d . JAMES WARING swo...
  8. SARAH BASSETT in trial of ROBERT HARLEY, Killing > murder; EDWARD GEORGE, Killing > murder, 11th September 1776.

    664, 665. ROBERT HARLEY and EDWARD GEORGE were indicted for that they, with certain clubs and sticks, feloniously, wilfully, and of their malice aforethought did strike and beat Joseph Pierson in and upon his head, face, arms, back, stomach, belly, side, a...
  9. ELISHA BASSETT, defendant name in trial of ELISHA BASSETT, Theft > shoplifting, 15th January 1777.

    134. ELISHA BASSETT was indicted for stealing thirty printed cotton handkerchiefs; value 3 l. four worked lawn aprons, value 20 s. a muslin apron, value 3 s. two muslin handkerchiefs, value 5 s. and a muslin cravat, value 2 s. the property of William Blain...
  10. Elisha Bassett in Punishment summary, 9th April 1777.

    The trials being ended, the Court proceeded to give judgment, as follows: Received sentence of death, 8. James Field , Job Filkin , Benjamin Carraul , Pierce Donnovan , David Sheffield , William Sheffield , Thomas Baldwin , and Mary Thomas . Branded and im...
