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Copies of Letters Sent & Received

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1Lt. Henry "Hank" L. Allen


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This is the copy of the letter I sent to every elected official's e-mail link I could find. I borrowed the form letter from the Operation Just Cause Web site and edited it for my use. I pray they will listen to us as citizens and voters and bring home our brothers and sisters.

Dear Sir,

What is being done to determine the fate of 1Lt. Henry "Hank" L. Allen, USAF, 56th Special Operations Wing, Udorn AF TH (RAVENS), officially listed as MIA as of  March 26, 1970 in Laos.

This is an American pilot who has remained on the MIA list for 32 years. Doesn't his devotion to his country award him the privilege and honor of being buried in his own homeland soil if he is in fact deceased? Should, by any miracle, 1Lt. Henry "Hank" L. Allen remain alive, should he be left behind in a foreign country knowing his country abandoned him? Do his family and loved ones not deserve to know the fate of their son, brother, friend and loved one nor be allowed to put a closure to this after so many years?

Please advise me of any action that is being taken by you or any other elected or appointed official to determine his fate. In the event there is nothing being done, please explain why not, and tell me how you personally plan to correct this and prevent it from ever happening again.

Please visit my website dedicated to the 2,063 POW/MIA's we American's left behind.

Jeanne S. Warner
Daytona Beach, FL
Registered Voter


This is a copy of a letter I received from Senator Bill Nelson. As of today May 23, 2002, it is the only one I received that was not an auto-response. This to me is sad. Our elected officials seem to forget they work for us, the people, the citizens of the United States of America, and yes even those who are missing and unaccounted for.

My thanks and praise to Senator Bill Nelson for his response.

May 23, 2002

Dear Ms. Warner:

Thank you for contacting me regarding our country's missing military personnel and the Defense Prisoner Of War and Missing Personnel Office (DPMO). As a member of the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations Committees this issue is something I have been directly involved with and will continue to be in the future.

The DPMO is program within the Department of Defense that seeks to achieve the fullest possible accounting of our country's soldiers who are missing in action as a result of service -- from all wars in history. This office has locations around the world and is working tirelessly with former enemy countries to account
for those soldiers, sailors, and airmen who are missing.

I care very deeply about this issue and will continue to aid this program to provide them with necessary resources to conduct their important services to our country and the families of those who are missing.

Please feel free to contact me in the future.

If you would like additional information or would like to contact
me in the future, please visit my website,, and click on the link marked "E-mail Bill".


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