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"Human problems will, always remain, but the way to resolve them should be through dialogue and discussion. The next century should be a century of dialogue and discussion rather than one of war and bloodshed."
- His Holiness the Dalai Lama in his millennial address

Dear Future Ambassador,

Thank you for your interest in this exciting and groundbreaking certification course.  Religion courses abound at universities and colleges and, in many cities, there are growing opportunities to learn about different faiths without conversion to another belief.  There are also many introductory courses and sessions within individual faith communities.  

But there has been nothing quite like this.

The need for effective interfaith ambassadors has increased with growing religious pluralism throughout the world, more especially closer to home.  This is a foundation-building course for peace.  

In this course you will learn about different faiths and local faith communities.  You will gain a deeper respect of your own faith tradition as you learn to be respectful and honoring of other faith traditions, becoming an effective interfaith ambassador.

The online correspondence course is designed to encourage contact with other faiths in your area or through the internet.

Email for your application today.

In service to God and humanity,

Rev. John-Brian Paprock

Director – Inroads Interfaith Ministry

Founder – International Society of Interfaith Ambassadors

Correspondence Course Outline

Through the email worksheet classes, participants develop an interfaith vocabulary, learn related history and discuss contemporary issues.  There are opportunities to learn about others and ourselves.

There are at least 20 worksheets that correspond to these topics:

  1. Introduction to Interfaith
  2. Sacred Earth Traditions I (native)
  3. Sacred Earth Traditions II (modern)
  4. Eastern Sources (Buddhism, etc.)
  5. Mid-East Sources (Islam, Jewish)
  6. Christianity I (Apostolic/Historic)
  7. Christianity II (American Protestants)
  8. Universalist Traditions (UU, Baha’i)
  9. NRMs, MRMs, Cults
  10. Conclusion – Awarding of Certificates

Related topics and vocabulary include:

v     Basic tenets of the World Religions

v     Inter-religious Dialogue

v     Religious Freedom & Tolerance

v     Discrimination and Persecution

v     Problems of Exclusive Groups

v     Ethnicity, Culture and Religion 

v     Work of Interfaith Ambassadors

v     and more.

As much as possible, the correspondence course tries to emulate the in-person classes. 

“A Workbook for Interfaith Ambassadors,” written and compiled by Rev. John-Brian Paprock after over 10 years of interfaith experience and 5 years coordinating interfaith service and events, is the same workbook used in the in-person classes.  It will mailed to correspondence course participants. Once there has been an email acknowledgement of receipt, the first email lesson and worksheets will be sent.  On-line dialogue and email correspondence will be encouraged.

When a minimum of five participants have enrolled, a correspondence "class" will begin.  The "class" will be at one's own pace, but 10-12 weeks is encouraged for completion.  Longer completion times can be negotiated.

The Interfaith Ambassador Certification program is offered to anyone regardless or race, sex, sexual preference or creed.  Anyone may apply for certification, but must complete the coursework to the acceptability of the instructor before certification can be granted.  This includes 70% or better completion of course work and the submission of the Final Report. Fees, tuition and required supplies for the course are due before the first "class."  

            $25   Administration and processing fee  (minimum due at application)

            $40   Materials (workbook, etc.)

            $75 Tuition*

Scholarships for low-income participants (or those in financial hardship) are available for all or part of the tuition.  Please submit a letter describing the financial circumstances and need. Other scholarships or grants may be available through your religious organization. 

To ENROLL, request and complete APPLICATION and send a check or money order ($US) for the administration and processing fee (minimum), Tuition, and Materials to: Inroads Interfaith Ministry, P.O. Box 5207, Madison, Wisconsin 53705 USA  - include any requests for scholarship as appropriate.

Interfaith Ambassador Certification Program

Local Article on Interfaith Ambassador Program

Midwest Classes

A Workbook for Interfaith Ambassadors


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