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Kookaburra – Extra Information

© Ann Williams-Fitzgerald 1999

(The Laughing Kookaburra)
Laughter; Joy

Key words around your card are: Lighten Up, Sparkle, Treat yourself, rewards. The Rune Symbol is 'Jera' for Harvest, Fertile season. You must prepare the ground and plant the seed - this leads to harvest of self and your fruitful outcomes. This rune brings things to culmination for you for any endeavors to which you are committed. Remember that you need to put in the effort, there are no quick fixes!

Kookaburra is the Auz Astrology sign for the zodiac sign of Sagittarius the Archer. Numerology number 1 is important and brings The Number One conceives ideas and presents them for Form and use. The Science of Numbers deals with the Living force of Universal capabilities in activities of people and in the Universes. Number One is the number of Action. It has the knowledge of what is to be manifested, made possible by courage and daring supported by the will and intelligence to actuate within the dark and void. The Number One is fearless in overcoming obstacles, undertaking new adventures, and its creative energy is dynamic and energizing. It is the number of Leadership and Beginnings.
One is the Initiator... Colours vibrating to One:- Flame, Copper, Lilac and Apricot The planet Jupiter plays an important role in your life.

Our Kookaburra is depicted perched on a branch sitting in a sea of green and gold with the symbols for Sagittarius and the moon just below him. Above his head the sun is smiling down bringing in his growth. Without the sun there would be no growth for any of us.
The sun is a symbol of creative power. The sun is humanised to raise man’s level to a divine level and is the model of true man. It symbolises the law of eternal renewal. Kookaburra reminds you to lighten up and not take yourself too seriously. If you lighten up so will others around you, remember to enjoy each day as it comes and enjoy the new day.

The Medicine

The medicine of Kookaburra is Laughter and Joy. He has a distinctive laughing call that when heard makes one feel like laughing along with him. Stirring the joy that lives deep within your being. When you hear a Kookaburra remember to allow yourself to laugh for laughter and joy are the very essence of our being.

The Shadow Side

You have forgotten how to enjoy life. “Where has your laughter gone?”

The Crystal - Topaz

Topaz will help you attract joy into your life. It reminds you to sparkle!

The Message

If Kookaburra has laughed his way into your life, ‘Spirit’ is bringing you the message of joy and laughter. Lighten up and enjoy! Life is for the enjoyment of living. Go to the park, enjoy the day. Visit a friend, or enjoy a relaxing massage. Treat yourself today!


I laugh and enjoy my life.

Kookaburra answers your question

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Inner Wisdom Promotions
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