Tanoose was named after Uncle Tanoose, played by Hans Conrad in the old TV Danny Thomas show. I got Noose at age 4 weeks, way too young but the breeder had some problems and didn't want to keep him any longer. He would have been 9 in March of 2000. He was THE KING in this household. One of the weirdest experiences I have ever had involved Tanoose. I had gotten him a mutt I named Twit as a play mate. Twit was a traveling man and I had to watch him closely. One day when the three of us were in the woods Twit took off and of course Tanoose followed. I searched for them for four hours, called all the neighbors, drove the roads, all to no avail. I had to go to work and was just sick. I worked across the river, 25 miles away. As I was driving home from work at 3 a.m. I saw eyes coming down the middle of the highway. I figured it was deer so I slowed down. The closer they got the more they looked like dogs. Then THERE THEY WERE!!!! It was Tanoose and Twit. This was 15 hours after they took off, across the river, and about 10 miles from home. The odds of me being on the road at the same time they were had to be a million to one. I open the door and called, both ran to me and jumped in. The whole way home I kept looking back to make sure I wasn't dreaming this. They were none the worse for wear other than the porcupine quills I had to pull out of Twits mouth and tongue. ***********************************

Tanoose said it was time to go to the bridge on November 15th, 1999. It was very difficult for me to let him go, but he needed to be free. I will be looking for you at the bridge Tanoose

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