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This is not a basketball. It is BOB PLANET! BOB PLANET, THE PLACE WHERE BOB IS ALL


Character Guide

  • Bob- The main character of the saga. Duh. Everybody on Earth knows Bob, or knows somebody, that knows somebody, that knows somebody... you get the idea... Bob's best friends are Joe and Zab. He originally came from our dimension, but he came to Bob Universe after he stole some mystic cake from the High Priests of Foo-fooiness. Bob has recently been looking for a place to live.

  • Carl- An insane psychologist-in-training that is always spouting off the wall comments about communism. An ex-priest of Foo-fooiness that came to this dimension with Bob.

  • Joe- Joe is the ultimate straight man. He takes everything anybody says at face value. It's not that he's stupid, but that he is very naive. He was the first person Bob met in Bob Universe. Bob was being held captive by the evil Gorge-ons, and Joe was part of the team to rescue him. He is currently going out with Ni.

  • Ni- Joe's girlfriend, she is very serious. She is definitely on the same level as Joe. She is a good friend, and if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, she'll be there for you. Is close friends with Zab. Don't piss her off, because she has an alter ego known simply as "Loretta, Queen of PMS."

  • Zab- Zab is one of those cynical people that loves to argue with and then insult people. A member of D.E.U.S. X. Machina, she was part of the rescue team that saved Bob from the evil Gorge-ons. Her job is to save Bob when he gets into trouble, and arrange for the plot points to happen.

  • Norge- A Norweigan. Easily confused, especially when it comes to relationships. Part of the Dorks and Dweebs crew.

  • Gerg- Yet another Dorks and Dweebs player, this one makes insane theories on how the smurfs are goverment tools to brainwash children into believing the Mafia is good. Nobody's sure if he's joking or not.

  • Steve- The math guy. He carries around dice to help him decide how to act. Usually fails to make savings throws. Part of the Dorks and Dweebs crew.

  • Tom C- A nice guy that fills any available stereotypes. His current personality is hormonal teenage guy.

  • Ander- A card fanatic that is always quoting SOMETHING. Is part of the "Dorks and Dweebs" crew, and is annoyingly smart. This wouldn't be so bad if he didn't act so arrogant....

  • DarkNickja- A D&D player. He is obsessive about everything he does, and has an amazingly bad sense of direction. He plays pool and is part of the "Dorks And Dweebs" crew.

  • Jason- Jason is Bob's archnemisis. Or he would be if Bob would actually acknowledge Jason's existance. He has tried to seriously annoy Bob, but it always seems to backfire. His plans have included trying to steal Bob's girlfriend away, cooking bad food for Bob, and playing Bob's least favorite songs over and over again. He decided to be Bob's archnemesis when he discovered Bob was to be the hero of this story. Since every good story needs some conflict, he decided he would be the one doing the fighting.

  • Stevette- An amazingly short and busty female that has the hidden power to make men's hormones go haywire. (She also has the power to make every girl in a three room radius insanely jealous.)

