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Other Great Rifts® Sites

Quality in Rifts® Page
This is the site that started this whole silly project that I'm doing. I found Pete Overton's page while searching for various house rules regarding different things like magic, and stuff like that. I was also searching for non-munchkin stuff, but I ended up finding this site, which really opened my eyes. He's got a great collection of papers/essays that make sense, and add flavor to the game itself.

The Great Canadian Rifts® Page
I found this page through the links page from Pete Overton's Quality in Rifts Page. This site has some of the best information regarding the Coalition and their possible military tactics. Plus he's got some great rants about the technology level, and how the Coalition should be fighting their major campaigns which really make sense, since he's drawing parrallels to modern militaries of today.

Hugh King's Rifts® Pages
This site has some excellent rants and essays regarding role playing vs roll playing, and also really made me look at various OCCs like the Operator, and the Techno Wizard as a chance to build something great from the ground up. Hugh's page will probably change the way I play and GM Rifts the most.

Palladium Books
This page wouldn't be here without these guys. I'll admit I have some problems with their system, but they're little issues, and the games themselves really make playing fun for all of us. Plus their message board has some great discussions about things like role playing, and flavor in the OCCs.