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About the Jaguar...

I really don't know why I'm going through all the effort to put this page up. I have seen pages that do a much better job of putting flavor and quality into the game without just throwing meaningless, munchy numbers all over the place. I guess this is just my little place to say my little something.

I've been playing Rifts® since 1991 when my brother and I bought the main book (second print), and it just flourished from there. We started role playing games earlier, though. It all started with Robotech (nope, not D&D like everyone else. I kind of resent the game, since as a kid, my older brother and his friends never let my other bro and I play) in '89. After that, we also started playing other games like Gamma World, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles®. But when we got into Rifts®, it was much different, because it wasn't just a generic world or setting that you had to make your way around it. It was a set world, with a set time line, with enemies, saviors, and other groups and organizations. It was like jumping into a comic book or a Sci-Fi movie.

I played all the way up to about '95 when things just got too difficult to maintain a good gaming group. Everyone just went their own ways, and I've just had to take care of my own things. I recently started another gaming group, and we will start playing Rifts® again, but we also like Heroes Unlimited®, so our games have a heavy influence of super powers, comics, and kung fu movies.

Our games may not be the most realistic, but we do try to keep things from getting too far out of hand. I do like some realism, but I like RPGs, because they allow you to suspend realism to create a story. That's why the rules and things you will find on this site will allow you to clarify the way the system and game runs, but it gives you enough room to make a more realistic, or more fantastic game. It's up to you.

....Other than that, that's all you need to know.

- Jaguar Wong