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Urban Legends anyone?

Welcome! To your doom!!!!

Okay! If this was an Urban Legend that opening line would be written in blood, people.
I was thinking last night about how could I have a website about horror yet not have the classics that are a staple at campfire B.S. sessions!
I felt this section was a better idea than releasing a Fictional Tales section. Besides everyone loves a neighborhood legend.
So now crack open those marshmellow bags, roast those hot dogs while I tell you the one about the.......

What tale should the storyteller spin? (Sorry if some are out of order, I don't feel like putting them alphabetically right now.)

A picture says a thousand words. (Not scary but gross. Some might be offended.)
Choking Doberman.
Dial up the maid for my Dial! (Not scary but, funny)
Eight Toes
Exploding Cacti!
Fast Food Horror Section
Flunk me if you can! (Not scary but, funny)
Humans can lick too....
The Mexican pet.
Micro pup!
The Monster in the Bathroom.
The Puzzle Murder (New Legend!!!)
Strange Calls.
Stupid Pet Tricks!
Tap, tap........
Bloody Mary
Exploding Hamster
Crispy Neighbors
The Kidney Hiest!