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Piece of Cake Painting had a successful year in 2011 and now it's 2012 and time to grow again. Perception of doom and gloom, uncertanty about the economy, political mayhem, rising gas prices, falling home values and lots of other factors affect decisions to do costly home repairs. I myself was faced with unexpected expenses for an exterminator and a complete plumbing repipe of my home in 2011. Now in 2012, a roof leak has to be addressed.

Perhaps painting and paint maintenance is a lower priority for you and your family. Should it be? Well, from a painters perspective, obviously not! When you drive up to your house, do you see the beauty of it or the problems with it? I think most see the issues that need to be addressed. When you walk in the door, do you see the lifeless colors or the energy and tranquility you wish your home to have? Since most of us aren't going to be selling or moving anytime soon (because our house value is now less then our mortgage value), it only fuels the need to take the necessary steps to improve it for our own mental health.

Getting to a state of enjoyment is fulfilling and will increase your life expectancy. Don't stress over the state of your home, get it done! Whether you take it slow, room by room, or take on the whole interior or exterior at once, your peace of mind will benefit. Your overall outlook on life will improve when you take action. That will lower your stress level and add precious time to your life. Satisfying your need for peace of mind is invaluable.

Maintain your house and it will pay off. When it's time to sell, is your house going to be a "fixer upper" or a gem? I assure you that it costs less to paint then to re-side a house. Houses with peeling paint cost more to paint then houses that have modest amounts of ongoing care. Labor is the biggest cost of doing a quality paint job, if my crew has to spend 2 days per side of a house on prep work, it'll cost you! But if the house is attended to regularly the cost to paint it is lower.

Your house's value is based on how it looks, so hire a professional who can make it look appealing. I've seen your paint jobs and paint jobs of wanna be painters. Lines that aren't straight, wall color on the ceiling, cracks that didn't get caulked, holes that aren't filled, paint over failing paint, and many other issues that bring doubt to a buyer or inspectors eye and detract from peacefulness for you.

When you hire Piece of Cake Painting or recommend us to someone you know, the end result will be impeccable and the experience will be painless. We protect, prep and paint and clean up at the end of the day and minimize chaos. My methods are perfected and revised to assure long term satisfaction. I use quality products and take advise from industry experts. We avoid "blow and go" painting and embrace creating long term success. Because if you aren't satisfied or happy, we won't be either. Our success in 2012 and beyond depends upon you, so let's work together and make this a fabulous new year!