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Novel Vaccines and Carrying Methods

During the horticulture 425 course at Washington State University, we have discussed present and future issues dealing with horticulture. One of the discussions was based around predictions for the future. Our group has decided to combine the predicitons, 'genetically engineered foods will carry human vaccines' and 'novel vaccine will help fight cancer,' into our title Novel Vaccines and Carrying Methods.

The basis for these predictions was the use of genetically altered organisms to fight diseases and deliver vaccinations. These predictions were developed by looking at the potential impact that they could have on society. The first prediction found by Maren Kampfer, on genetically modified foods carrying vaccines, looked at the possibility of making vaccines more available, easier to administer, and cheaper to get. This would be especially true to countries were vaccines are hard to come by, and population numbers are high. The second prediction found by Randy Nelson, on a modified human T-cell vaccine, looks at the benifts of modified organisms and is a perfect example of the positives that come from genetically modified organisms. The impact of genetically modified organisms used to treat diseases is that many times, as with the Novel vaccine, all that is being done is slight adjustments in a natural defense mechanism that just needs a little help getting going. Both the predictions are more than likely to come true because work is being done, and already there are foods that have been modified, like golden rice, that once it is approved, will make a big difference in world health.

1. Factual presentations of the positive and negative effects of a technology will calm the public's concern.
2. New technologies may open horticulture to new markets.
3. With gains in one field there will be losses or borrowing from another previously unrelated field.
4. The combination of Horticulture and Medicine will make medicines more available to everyone.

Negative Impacts on Horticulture
Positive Impacts on Horticulture
Negative Impacts on Humanity
Positive Impacts on Humanity

Last Updated: 4/3/02