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The Big Picture

Negative Impacts on Horticulture
1. Factual presentations of the positive and negative effects of a technology will calm the public's concern.
Public fear is instrumental in the adoption of a great technology. The public and the media can quickly spread inaccurate, unfounded information and create more apprehension, ignorance, and trepidation to the use of that technology. With more knowledge about the positive and negative aspects of the technology, and an unbiased presentation of that information, will decrease a public hysteria and eventually cause the technology’s incorporation to be faster and smoother.

Positive Impacts on Horticulture
2. New technologies may open horticulture to new markets.
Using biotechnology to inoculate vegetables with vaccines will introduce a variety of new markets to the world of horticulture, thereby increasing commercial, personal, and cultural values. The introduction of new markets seems to be most realistic, and likely thing to happen, and it would have the largest impact worldwide when it does.

Negative Impacts on Humanity
3. With gains in one field there will be losses or borrowing from another previously unrelated field.
When people lose their jobs the result is a suffering economy that will affect everyone. If people plan ahead they will not be hurt as bad because they can prepare them selves for the loss of there job. People who are prepared will have an easier time finding a job.

Positive Impacts on Humanity
4. The combination of Horticulture and Medicine will make medicines more available to everyone.
The main idea of this section is to imply that although the changes brought about by and increase in versatility of horticultural crops will quickly ripple into a large positive effect on humanity. The immediate benefit for the growers of Horticultural crops will be translated into benefits for people living a world away.
