This prayer should be done in the morning, between dawn and noon.


"Hail Dark Lady of the Crossroads,
of wisdom hard-won,
grant me Thy blessing, purify my heart,
and teach me the truth of my soul;
show me that death is but the gateway to life.
Blessed Be." 

Main Prayer

Tiny voice, like the hidden
sounds that moths make,
call to me in the silence
of the night.
Like moths beating their wings
against the screen, You
beat against the shutters of my mind,
demanding entrance.
The candle of the moon is dark,
granting no direction.
Yet, veiled though You are,
Your nearness brushes me like
fragile wings against the fire's flame. 
New beginnings are Your gift,
to unfold as the many-petalled moon,
or the iridescent wings of
Your desire.


How new beginnings often start in darkness.  What do you need to do to begin?

Daily Affirmation

In the Name of the Dark Crone: I see a Circle of Darkness and what is revealed therein.

Closing Prayer

"I bow to Thee Hecate, Diana, Mari and thank
Thee for Thy blessing - the Cauldron of Night
full of life, and death, and life again;
Thy magic gives me wings.
Blessed Be."