Mabon Afternoon Prayer

Witch's Broom

This prayer should be done in the afternoon, between noon and 3pm.



"O God of Thunder, God of Might,
set aside Your lightning bolts
and take Your ease of Love with me.
You are the God of laughter!
You are the God of all delights!
Blessed Be."


Main Prayer

The Lord has gone to sleep
while Maiden's weep.
The edge of death
conceals the ivory bones
of Winter from our sight,
as equal day and equal night
gives way to the dark.
The silence is our hearts
proclaims the end of Summer
and the passing of the light.
The sorrowful Maiden's weep,
for Winter keeps
all things to Herself.
The dormant God gestates
within the womb of fate,
and dreams He is the coming of the light.



Equal day and equal night. Where do you need more balance in your life?


Daily Affirmation

In the Name of the God: I will seek balance in thought, word, and deed today, in order to be open to the God's visions..


Closing Prayer

"Thanks to Thee, Lord of the Dance,
for leading me into the deeper mysteries
of the heart.
Be with me now and always.
Blessed Be."