Margin: Exploring Modern Magical Realism

w e l c o m e   t o   o u r   p r e s s   k i t !

NOTE: the press kit is currently being reorganized and will not be functional until Fall 2006. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please visit our most current issue or contact the editor for any outstanding questions. Thank you.

Press Kit entrance
Throughout Margin, you'll find this logo at the bottom of each page. This logo will always take you to the Press Kit home page, so that you can return at any time to view other parts of the press kit. Simply click on the logo on any given page to return.

s u m m e r   2 0 0 5

RESURRECTING QUIXOTE: Magical Realism from the Iberian Peninsula
Join us in celebrating the fourth centenary of Don Quixote with features honoring a wide range of poets and authors from Spain, Portugal and The Azores! In Summer 2005, we'll feature Federico Garcia Lorca, José Saramago, Cervantes, Pedro de Antonio Alarcón, Rafael Pérez Estrada, Frank X. Gaspar, Rafael Guillen, Maria de Los Angeles Lemus, Katherine Vaz, Paulo da Costa, John Medeiros, Carlos Reyes, Stephen Siciliano, Antonio Lobo Antunes, Camilo José Cela and Fernando Pessoa, and many more authors, plus translations by Steven J. Stewart and Sandy McKinney and an interview with the queen of magical realist translations, Edith Grossman.

Margin's **BIG FIVE**
Celebrating five years of magical realist expeditions! Check out our special anniversary content!

2005 Free Verse Contest ~ EVIDENCE OF MIRACLES ~
Winner takes the $100 prize and their chosen work is published in the Winter 2006 edition of Margin ~ Deadline, August 1, 2005 guidelines and info

TIP: Join our mailing list to keep abreast of these developments and other news.

f a c t s   o n   l i n e

2005 updates to appear in February
n e w s

Anthology launches both its 4th Anniversary edition and a triquarterly schedule

n e w s   a r c h i v e s
    Magical Realism News department is launched ~ August 2003

    Electronic anthology continues to push the Pushcart envelope with latest nominations ~ December 1, 2002

    Franz Wright leads Pushcart Prize nominations by electronic publisher ~ December 1, 2001
   Magical Realism Website Launches "House of Dialog" ~ January 2001
   Call for submissions ~ January 2001
   Year One: Tentacles Poking From An Overnight Bag (a retrospective) ~ January 2001

   Margin Nominates Stories For Prestigious Pushcart Prize ~ December 1, 2000 Features Margin: Exploring Modern Magical Realism ~ November 16, 2000
   Rabassa's Latest Translation To Go Virtual ~ April 7, 2000
   Margin Enters The Libyrinth ~ March 22, 2000

f r o m   t h e   e d i t o r
   Letter From The Editor, Winter 2003

   One Well-Seasoned Morsel From A Well-Seasoned Translator ~ April 15, 2000
   Can Magical Realism Exist In A Virtual World? ~ April 7, 2000 (backgrounder)
   Like Water For A Bedouin ~ January 13, 2000

i n f o ~ l i n k s
   Mission statement
   Margin factsheet
   Anthology features
   Coming attractions
   What people are saying
   View the entire site

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Press Kit entrance
Rev'd 2006/02/14