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State Route 27

SR 27 begins at Jct US 195 just south of Pullman and takes a curvy route north to Jct SR 290 in the eastern suburbs of Spokane. When first posted in 1964, SR 27 started at Jct US195 in downtown Pullman and headed north to Jct I-90 in the Spokane Valley. In the mid 1970s, a 2 lane US 195 bypass of Pullman was built. SR 27 was extended south from downtown along former US 195 to join US 195 south of town. In 1992, SR 27 was extended north from I-90 to SR 290. SR 27 is now 90.00 miles long.

Before 1964, SR 27 from Pullman to Oakesdale was part of PSH 3 (ED) and from Oakesdale to the Spokane Valley, SSH 3H.

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