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There are about 1,500 different species of Characins and they can be found in almost all types of water in South America and Africa. They are also one of the most popular aquarium fishes that are suitable for community tanks. They are also popular because they are a shoaling fish (which means they should be kept in groups) and help make any tank a "lively tank."



Species: Phenacogrammus intertuptus
Common Name: Congo Tetra
Size: 3½ inches(9 cm)
Water: pH 6-7.5; soft to hard; 73-79°F (23-26°C)
Habitat: Zaire River Watershed




Species: Megalomphodus megalopterus
Common Name: Black Phantom Tetra
Size: 1¾ inches(4.5 cm)
Water: pH 6-7.5; soft to hard; 73-82°F (23-28°C)
Habitat: Rivers and Lakes of Central Brazil




Species: Hemigrammus erythrozonus
Common Name: Glowlight Tetra
Size: 1½ inches(4 cm)
Water: pH 6-7.5; soft to medium hard; 72-70°F (22-26°C)
Habitat: Río Essequibo in Guiana, South America




Species: Paracheirodon axelrodi
Common Name: Cardinal Tetra
Size: 1¾­2¾ inches (4.5-6 cm)
Water: 4.5-6.5; soft to medium hard; 73-81°F (23-27°)
Habitat: Northwestern Brazil

Once again a big thanks to Badman's Tropical Fishpage for the pictures.

If you have any questions about fish or aquariums in general, I will try to answer as many of them as I can. Also, let me know what you think of my site. If there are any links that don't work or if there is something that isn't on this page that you would like to see me add, like a new section or more pictures let me know.

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