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The Ability to do this does not make you that

The ability to _______ does not make you _______.

Qui-Gon: The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.

The ability to drink a soda through your nose with straws does not make you gifted.

The ability to make a good Star Wars web site does not make you cool.

The ability to eat a hamburger in two bites does not make you talented.

The ability to win Candy Land two times in a row does not make you clever.

The ability to apply make-up so you look exactly like Queen Amidala does not make you regal.

The ability to peel and eat a banana with your feet does not make you intelligent.

The ability to belch the cantina band song does not make you a musician.

The ability to write your name in the snow with your pee does not make you talented.

The ability to flip your eyelids inside out does not make you talented.

The ability to change a roll of toilet paper does not make you intelligent.

The ability to get a scab off in one piece does not make you a doctor.

The ability to get both of your feet into one big shoe and hope around the room does not make you talented.

The ability to say all the lines in Star Wars right before they come up does not make you psychic.

kim: The ability to blend in does not make you human.

kim: The ability to fly does not make you superman.

kim: The ability to complain does not make you C-3PO.

kim: The ability to talk gibberish does not make you an ewok.

kim: The ability to throw cards into a hat does not make you college material.

AT-ST Driver: The ability to sign a guest book every day of my miserable life does not make me a computer genius.

Stelmarta: The ability to tie your shoes does not make you dexterous.

Aralna: The ability to control minds does not make you a Jedi.

Demothenes: The ability to whine does not make you Luke Skywalker.

J.J.Binks14: The ability to write does not make you an author.

Bob: The ability to put a bucket on your head does not make you Darth Vader.

captain pants: The ability to eat cheese does not make you a mouse.

Phil: The ability to wear pants on your head does not make you Ali G.

DemonicJedi: The ability to kill a Jedi does not make you a Sith.

Stelmarta: The ability to bulls-eye womprats in your T-16 back home does not make you cool.

Lau-ra Anu: The ability to sing does not make you the Beatles.

Lau-ra Anu: The ability to beep does not make you R2-D2.

Lau-ra Anu: The ability to say "poodoo" a million times without taking a breath does not make you Paploo the Ewok.

AT-ST Driver: The ability to drive a chicken walker does not make you an AT-ST Driver.

AT-ST Driver: The ability to make people laugh when there is nothing funny does not make you a comedian.

AT-ST Driver: The ability to lie does not make you a politician and/or lawyer.

AT-ST Driver: The ability to eat a sandwich does not make you a chef.

AT-ST Driver: The ability to ride a tauntaun does not make you a rebel hero.

AT-ST Driver: The ability to make stuff up does not make you a liar, wait a minute, yes it does!

AT-ST Driver: The ability to say "I have a bad feeling about this" does not make you a rebel hero.

AT-ST Driver: The ability to read all these entries does not make you smart, in fact, it makes you a complete idiot.

AT-ST Driver: The ability to poodoo does not make you Paploo.

AT-ST Driver: The ability to beep does not make you a droid.

AT-ST Driver: The ability to memorize every credit in the Star Wars movies does not make you normal.

Stelmarta: The ability to make your hair look like Leia's does not make you an Alderaanian Princess.

Skywalker: The ability to live does not make you alive.

Bob: The ability to have your hand cut off does not make you Luke Skywalker.

Llanirev: The ability to have this condition does not make you Sammy Jenkis.

AT: The ability to offend people does not make you cool.

AT: The ability to think does not make you a philosopher.

AT: The ability to procrastinate does not make you college material.

AT: The ability to create a web site does not make you a genius.

AT: The ability to chop hands off does not make you a Jedi or a Sith.

AT: The ability to fall off Cloud City does not make you Luke Skywalker.

AT: The ability to become a millionaire does not make you popular.

AT: The ability to remember your middle name does not make you a genius.

AT: The ability to stupid does not make you smart.

AT: The ability to read does not make you literate.

AT: The ability to count does not make you a mathematician.

AT: The ability to get kicked out of Otah Gunga does not make you Jar-Jar.

Princess Leia: The ability to eat using you feet instead of your hands does not make you gifted.

AnakinSolo: The ability to run does not make you fast.

AnakinSolo: The ability to kill does not make you powerful.

AnakinSolo: The ability to talk a lot does not make you Tahiri Veila.

AnakinSolo: The ability to weild an amphistaff does not make you a Yuuzha Vong warrior.

AnakinSolo: The ability to be my brother, Jacen Solo, does not make you wise, just aged ahead of your years.

AnakinSolo: The ability to collect strange bugs and animals does not make you Jacen Solo,, or cool in any respect, but know you know not to eat that plant because it made your slug blow up.

AnakinSolo: The ability to be whipped across the shins until you bleed, get bitten in the shoulder be an amphistaff, and be hit in the other shoulder by a thud bug does not mak you me, but trust me, without bacta, it'll give you scars.

AnakinSolo: The ability to make friends with the enemy does not make you me, Rapuung started it.

AnakinSolo: The ability to try does not make you succeed. Do or do not, there is no try.

Jo: The ability to perfect does not make you be the most popular person.

Langdon Orr: The ability to annoy does not make you Jar Jar Binks.

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