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That's right. This is me again. Here is another Great page of my life and times in Klunkerville.




I have a pair of sneakers I wear. Their in the same shape as my stereo.
My wife tells me,"I wish you'de throw those things out and get a new pair! Their terrible"!
Right now their grassy stained, a hole is wearing through,the bottoms are getting thin. It's hard to part with them because of many reasons.
1.Their like an old friend. You don't throw a friend out the door because he's old and bent out of shape.
2.Their easy to find. You just sniff.
3.Nobody will steal them unless their drunk or wierd.
4.And if your shoes smell bad enough,wear them and nobody will get near you. Look at the privacy you will have. It's great!
You out there can keep your new shoes.I'll keep my old sneakers.



I have an uncle named Harold. Every time he comes to visit and leaves I have to spray the house for bugs for he leaves a trail of them no matter where he goes. He says their his pets and they keep him company. I told him get rid of them and he will have more company. But acording to him this is not true for he can't make as many friends as he has bugs. I supose he is right. Even I don't have that many friends. If these bugs are his friends when he comes to visit I wish he would take his friends with him and not leave half of them behind. Why he hasn't taken a shower in such a long time he even has mold growing on him.


The Klunkerville Doctor

This is Klunkerville’s Doctor. When people need an operation they are afraid of him because he nocks them out with a hammer for surgery. Sorry to say he is the only one in town.


                                                        The Tractor

It's not good to bet even on crazy things. Someone always looses. And that's just what a man in Klunkerville did once.
He played a checker game with cousin George.
He says to George, "See that big tractor out there? If I loose I'll eat it one piece at a time."
They agreed and George lost.
Every day He'd take a hacksaw and cut a peace off and chew on it. It took him 4 years. He died shortly after this which is to no surprise. The Doctors tried to save him but couldn't.
He died at the age of 110.


                                                   My Crazy Cousin
I have one rough cousin who was always in trouble with the law. In his own way he was a hardend criminal.
For instance once he got into some indecient behavor by picking his nose on mainstreet in front of a doughnut restraunt window, Still another time for eating gobs of gum off the sidewalk.
This was strange in itself but it gets worse. Once he stole a bone from a dog because it had some meat left on it.
But you won't see him for a while because of what he just did a little while ago.
He went into a local food store and started sampling everything. First he stuck his finger in some yogurt and ate that, and then he opened up a box of cleanex, blew his nose on one and stuck it back in the box, He tried to steal five roles of toilet paper, a pizza, and even an elderly ladys wheelchair.
He would have made off with this stuff if it wasn't for the fact that on his way out he tried to rip off a gum machine. That's when he got caught. He called the policeman a dummy and said out loud, "I'm sueing you for false arest and being stupid".
He lost the case and is now serving 2 years in jail.



                                                     My Hidden Talent
Another thing that I want to mention that I'm very good at is playing the trumpet. I noticed though people think it is so good that they can handle just a couple minutes of it at a time. They usualy say, "That's enough."The police even liked it. They stopped by to see what the comotion was all about. They thought I was strangling a cat.
"No officer. It's just Me playing my trumpet."
I recieved strict orders not to play it any longer and a fine for disturbing the peace. plus a bunch of mad naighbors. Their just all jealous because of my talent. It's got to be that. What else could it be?


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