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I can’t always find someone to play cards with so I decided to use my bird. There are a few problems with this though and here is a list of them I run into.


1.He cheats

2.He eats the cards

3.He poops on the cards

4.He is very impatient

5.If he gets mad at you he will bite you.

6.Sometimes it’s his turn to play and he will take off flying, Then I have to chase him

down and bring him back.

7. Actually to be honest he’s the worst card player I ever played with

If all possible I recommend playing  cards with humans, much easier.





       Do you have a hard time passing up that 3rd piece of cake? Do you find yourself eating more than 3 candy bars in one day? Or how about that junk food aisle in the store? If you catch yourself buying more than 8 bags of candy while shopping and all of the above please get the help you need.

Join now

What we will do for you

For a low price of just $39.95 per week you’ll get the following

1.      A man to follow you while you shop. He will physically remove any junk food

from your cart as you become week and put it back where it belongs.

2.      A nice moldy cake to turn you off from eating junk food.

3.      A $5.00 gift certificate for our Klunkerville health food. Only $39.95 per purchase.

4.      Once a day a man will come to your home and physically remove any junk food from your cupboards. NOTICE:JUNKFOOD WILL BE DONATED TO THE SCHOOLS FOR LUNCH PROGRAMS.

        So do the right thing today and get the support you need. It works. You will not be sorry.

Support Group Times

Monday night at 8:pm next door to charlie’s pastries in the old ice cream parlor building.

See you there






Since I have pasted the above on my site of the Klunkerville Junkfood Society Support group a new group submerged. I must let them speak their opinion (even though I think it’s a bunch of balogna).

Don’t let junkfood down. Eat it.

Here is a list of reasons why we are against the other group, and these furthermore we feel in our opinion are good reasons.

Some Ingredience In Junkfood Why Junkfood Isn’t All That Bad

                             1.Cholestroal: Before it clogs your arteries it works like oil to make all those  

                                Chemicals in the food to go in your system better.   Then after it does clog your

                                arteries, big deal: - get an operation and start over if you make it.

                             2. Eggs: Eggs are good.

                             3. Chemicals: A good preservative. Maybe it might help preserve you too. It’s worth

                                 a try. Look what it does for the food. Why that stuff never rots. This is one food

                                 guaranteed to last as long as the package does. Who could ask for more than that?

                             4. Vegetable oil: Vegetables are good for you.

                             5. Yellow Number 5: Pretty color.

     6. Frosting: frosting is sugar and sugar is energy, and besides if you get a cavity 

          from this when you go to your six month checkup at the dentist you will really

          have a good reason to go.          



By doing so you may not have as long to live, and you may be so full of chemicals and cholesterol and run down and fat from it, but look at the fun you will have. You’ll have just enough energy for that last doughnut. That’s all that counts.


Our group meeting times are:

Note from editor: I didn’t put their address on here for there is way too much controversy about this group and besides that I think that they are a bad influence and I can’t support that here.




     One day I took a walk. I found a five dollar bill. It was green. It reminded me of spinach, so I ate it which was a very stupid thing to do, for with that five dollars I could have bought 15 cans of spinach.

     I went to the Klunkerville doctor to have it removed, but He refused at first because He said, “no one is stupid enough to eat a five dollar bill.”

     I told him if he get’s it out I’ll split it with him.

     He agreed. I won’t go into details of how he did this because you don’t really want to know but he retrieved it. I stayed with my bargain and then took my two and a half bucks and left.

     You would think this was the end of my problems but it wasn’t. On the way home there was a candy machine. I put my money in that to get a snack. The machine messed up and I lost my money. Well I got mad and hollered a few times and kicked the machine besides that. All this did was make me look like an idiot for it did no good at all.

     I gave up and went home with no money and a sour hand. After this awful rotten day I planed on winding down by having something to eat and resting. I looked in the cupboard for something to eat. I had just one can. And sure enough as soon as I seen what it was I lost my appetite. It was non other than a can of spinach.



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