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     Our town had a major crises a while back. A health hazard had broken out and something had to be done about it and fast. It had to deal with one of our residents of our town. He was nicknamed Smelly Man. What could be done about this guy? It had gotten so bad that now we have lookout towers and whenever he is spotted a man hollers from above, “Smelly Man, Smelly Man and this is a warning for everyone to grab either their kids, gasmask or whatever and run for it. Usually when Smelly Man is about a mile down the road people just start smelling the air even before the warning is given and this works quite often. This has just become too much of a menace for the little town. We would have to act quickly and fast. This problem will be solved one way or another….. we hope.




     We had never realized what was behind the reason why Smellyman wanted to stay this way. We talked to his Uncle and after doing so discovered the reason why.

     His uncle tells me, “Smellyman? Why that fool took his bathtub and got rid of it because someone told him for a joke that taking baths is unhealthy and if you have to take a bath at all there is only one way to do that. And this is the crazy idea he has in his head I can’t stop him from. He believes that a healthy way to get clean is to hop into the pigpen and roll around once in a while. The guy told him if you want to live to be 150 you must do this because there is a special mineral in pigpen mud that makes you live longer, and of course  leave it to Smellyman to believe it.

 Have you ever heard of such a thing as this?

    “No I haven’t and I find this very hard to believe.”

     “Me too at first. But that is what he does and that is the reason why he smells so bad. He won’t listen to reason. I tried already many times.

      “I’ll see what I can do.”

     “Have fun”

       I told some of the members of the town about this and we were finally getting down to the bottom of the case. Now what was next?



     Now since we were getting somewhere with the crises we got hold of a health expert in our district and told him all about the case. He worked fast and quickly, got a report together to present to the Smellyman as to why it was unhealthy to take baths in pigpen sties.

     One of us would have to deliver the message to Smellyman. But who? We decided to draw straws to decide. He was given nose plugs and sent on his way with the letter.

     Smellyman was found when he arrived right inside the pigpen again. The man quickly tells Smellyman here is a letter for you. I must go. He flees as soon as he can out of there.

     Smellyman crawls out of the pigpen and picks up the paper to read it. How would he take this information? Would he get upset? Read on.




       Well it  finally paid off. All the efforts of the town had had the effect on Smellyman that we were looking for. Soon everyone started parting with his or her gas mask. They no longer feared Smellyman coming down the street any longer. As a matter of fact they got to know a man they had forgotten existed. He was now a good member of society and welcomed everywhere he shows up.

      After this he had bought himself a bathtub and had it reinstalled inside the house. Not only is he happier but the pig is too.

     He told me one day in his own words, “I will never do a stupid thing like that again. Now I am much happier.

     The crises was officially over. His nicknamed had been changed from smellyman and is known now as Cleanman. We finally had a happy ending to a major crises.




     We thought we had this case licked but we were wrong. One day we smelt something coming down the street again. It couldn’t be but it was. It was Smellyman again. Why did he give up after we told him about unsanitary it was to take pigpen baths? I asked his uncle and this is what he tells me.

     “That crazy fool. He’s got in his head now that if he doesn’t bathe now he can save money. He thinks he can save on soap and detergent”

     Well the little town of Klunkerville can relax. We solved this issue very quickly. There was a town meeting and after it everyone got together and donated so much soap to Smellyman that he will have enough to last for 70 years. After that time we will worry about it. For now all is great in Klunkerville. Well…. Except for some other crazy characters in our town, like such ones as Buggy Bill, Hungry Harold, Oh year Weird man, and there’s of course the town drunk and approximately 2000 others which I don’t have time to mention right now.

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