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Bess and Leroy

Introducing Leroy, the feline terror! Here he is looking splendid with Bess.
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Aww come on what is this?

Dog in boots
What a cutie

My what dirty brows you have...

Dirty brows
Here, have a slipper!
Slipper, Leroy?
Looking sheepish
Cold feet

Bess supervises Leroy's play time
Crazy cat!
Furballs to you
Bess + Leroy
Top of the world
The Leroy King
Tall order
King of the world!
Who me?
What'd I do?
My what a nice tail you have!
Bold Leroy
High ground
Perusing the kingdom
I'll tell you a secret...
Checking each other out
Nose to nose

Leroy attempts to engulf Bess in a huge yawn


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