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Dances - kajira

Best first performed dance


*girl rises from her place within the Tavern….leaving the comfort of the serving furs and moving through the room….weaving around those gathered on silent footfall…damp palms sway effortlessly at her side as she reaches to place a hand over her belly…..feeling the nervous fires roaring deep within…….

…….swallowing hard….trying to muster some wetness into her parched mouth as she stands before all…her toes digging into the warm sand of the pits in the center of the Tavern…..with a soft smile lighting up her entire face….she turns her ebony gaze to the musicians…..seeing them poised and ready she dips her chin only slightly to signal to them that she is nearly ready……

…….she eases down to her knees….feeling them sink into the gritty earth…..lowering her chest to her torso and wrapping her arms around her knees…..tucking her head in tight….she sits there…cocooned into herself…….nearly a ehn goes by before the flutes begin….low and soft….as the girl……slowly emerges…….

…….her head beginning to roll softly from one side to another as she begins to feel the music…one arm unwrapping from around her and sweeping out….trailing over the sand…..the other arm doing the same…moving in opposite motions…she lifts her head…….growing as her need grows with knowledge….like a butterfly that has just emerged from her spidery web….resting no longer she rises to her feet….the need to learn and grow strong….growing stronger within her…..her hands reaching to her slave belly and softly caress…feeling the fires begin to burn…and her need…growing…….

…….long slender finger tips begin to brush over the silks….a reminder of her need as a white silk slave…..moving through the fire pit with slow sensual movements….remembering what it was like to need ….to attain more….to move forward….to be pleasing…hips flowing softly as her hands move like beautiful extension of herself…..sooty lashes lowered to her cheeks as she feels the message of the flutes song and continues to dance…….

…….the hollowed sound of a distant drum stops her suddenly upon the sands…her lashes lifting as she feels the struggle within….the test of her need….her body jerking from side to side….her hair more wild not as it shifts and resettles only to be shifted again….chocolate tresses wisping onto her face…tickling…..the frustration the disappointment…the sound of the flutes raining strong once again….her jerking motions stopping as she caresses hungry lil hands over herself….touching the yellow silks that now barely cover those straining hips…….

…….girls movements light and sensual once again….her hands trailing up over herself as she looks to the crowd….a slow smile creeps across her face….tugging the corners of her perfectly pink lips upward into a seductive smile…a hungered smile…..a needy smile….her movements becoming more insistent…..still graceful and full of beauty….but more sexual…hands caressing as her feet continue to move through the sand….her ebony eyes deepening as she dips her chin and stares with a hungered gaze…fingers clutching the edge of her silks as she lifts them with soft tiny thrusts…..

…….her hips rolling softly and sensually……her full ample breasts bouncing as she moves…..the sound of the drum beat begins again……far off….distant….but consistant and never waning…..not getting her needs met….she dances harder….faster…her hands betraying her as she caress over her slave sex…..her breasts….her head lifting as her head falls back….dropping to her knee's…her heart pounding hard in her chest as she tries to get Master's attention….frustrated and determined…….

…….her hips rolling in a sexual manner….not normally wanting to show her eagerness…but so far frustrated she no longer cares….her knees….parting wide for the first time….feeling the cold air rushing over her heated sex…… offering to any and all….hands caressing up her sides…over her breasts as she bounces and sways to the music…the drum beat louder…more intense….building and building……her hands caressing up to her neck….piling her hair at her crown as her head falls back exposing the steel binding her throat…….

…..girls head snapping up….a slow deep growl escapes the back of her throat….her hand dipping between her parted thighs and barely touching dewy petals…the drums drowning out the sound of the flute…barely audible as she sways nearly out of control…..the fires burning hard and bright in her belly…knowing they won't burn out any time soon…knowing she will have to fulfill this need…or at least die trying……

…….her arms finally wrap around her…..holding still as the drums blaze onward…loud……hard……fast…her head dropping to her chest once more…..defeated….this time…….knowing her need rages on deep inside her slave self….needy for many things…knowledge…attention…..attention from Master…..knowing she could please Him….she could……..~

Most imaginative and best dance red silk slave

try'sta {A}

~*~Rising to her feet as she moves to the sand pits, her dress that of the Tahari.. the loose pants billow slightly as she walks, the soft tinkle of slave bells at her ankle sound throughout the Tavern. A soft smile shadowed by the thin veil over full rich lips, her eyes hidden by the dark lashes as she glances to the Men, Their slaves kneeling...a changing form as she kneels down.. a cool shiver runs down her spine as she reaches forward and caresses the sand, its rough texture against her creamy flesh.. she awaits the first beat of the drums..~*~

~*~Heart pounding as she hears the sudden BOOM, like thunder rolling across the sky.. her breathing increases, she closes her eyes and the Tavern sounds melt away...opening her eyes, a camp in the Tahari.. she is surrounded by Men, leering at her...springing forward she twists her body, gathering her bearing.. seeing the hot sun beaming down upon her.. the harsh environment.. she feels a Man jerk her forward off her knees.. an angry glare is thrown His way before she scrambles to her feet...spinning away from Him, her dark curls fan out, she is caught by another Man. Growling she pushes Him away from her...tossed about by Men's hands grabbing her body...~*~

~*~Crying out in surprise as one Man slaps her across the face...struggling against His body, a sweat forming on her brow as she fights desperately to escape Him. Eyes wild with fear as she frees a hand and slaps Him hard across the face...flung to the sand she feels a pain sear through her, hot anger rises in her...she will not submit to Him...she is her own.. how dare He treat her so. Crouching she awaits to jump Him, the laughter of the Men ringing in her ears.. humiliation hangs above her like the storm that brews within her, like the beast that she is, she snarls. The Men close in on her...shrinking back, intimidated, nostrils flare with each breath as looks about her, trying to find an escape...~*~

~*~Seeing nothing, she is lifted up and thrown at a Man's feet...a leather thong placed on each wrist...shaking her head, she won't...pulling away...the Men let her rise and try to find freedom, a dance between puppet and puppeteer, a tug every now and again forcing her to lose her balance, her exhaustion showing...a slow burn spreading through her body as she wants to kneel.. to give in to Them.. to Him...ever watchful of the Men that control her arms, yanking her arms away from her body, a shadow cast behind her on the hot sand.. vulnerable and open she tries to gain back some control.. but it is lost...~*~

~*~A swift foot goes behind hers and she drops to her knees, no more fight left within her, a mere beast to these Men.. a Man's world. Swallowing hard.. her pride, her control...she slowly leans forward....the leather thongs slack as she makes the choice to extend her arms before her....her fingers splay, her submission move evident.. her body heaves against the sand, scratching her flesh....full breasts press firmly to the ground, her cheeks red.. the soft pants as she exhales, trying to get her breath back.. awaiting Him...~*~

~*~Waiting an ihn, she looks up at Him...His body towers over hers, desire begins to pulse through her as she knows He will master her...force her submission...put her slavery to every test...blinking back tears that threaten to spill over...Pulled back from the world, suddenly aware of her surroundings, she hears the silence of the Tavern, only the steady beating of the drum heard. Lifting her arms up as she remains kneeling, crossing at the wrist, head held high and tawny orbs lowered...her submission complete. Breathing hard as she whispers...barely audible... "La Kajira"~*~

~*~Smiling softly as she rises up from the sand pit...brushing off the grains of sand.. others stuck to her from the sweat...a glisten under the light as she pads back to the slave furs...the gentle curves of the girl enhanced as she sways her hips, the ko`lar she bears so's polished silv`r gleams at her neck...joining her sisters she settles quietly~*~

Most entertaining


the slave sinks into the sands…her ebony locks like black silk shining in the light….she is shaking, shivering, her arms go about herself as if to keep the cold that is within her very soul from taking over, as she knows she would then be lost forever into the darkest of places, never to return as her memories assail her.

the kalika strums lightly, solitary, just like her….a slender hand goes to her throat and a sob escapes her as she feels the collar she wore for so long no longer there……she keens, in rhythm to the sounds of the music as her body rocks side to side, tears falls from her soft dark eyes, making trails of silver along her cheeks, but she does not notice..

the kaska beats, an exact match to her heart   thump…thump….thump    slow, aching, she sways dizzily as her emotions are raw, and she rises unsteadily, to stand feeling her body but a wraith as her soul is no longer there, ripped from her…moving now to the music, her body twirls, her hands clutching at her aching heart, wishing to rip it out and toss it away, to no longer feel such pain, to have lost the Master she adored.

her lithe form looking so helpless, her tears flowing, but her body moves as the slave within responds to the music…a flute joins in, it’s sound bittersweet, like herself, a kajira, one who was near death in her loss, as only a true kajira could feel such sorrow when she gives her all to One, only to have it ripped away..

she moves urgently now….her hands out, palms up, begging, pleading for this to not be so, her slender legs carry her racing about the sands as if chasing that which she lost, stumbling, and falling to her knees, her head lowers, dark, midnight hair float about her as her sobs are released, the music swells, overpowering it’s it own darkness, sensing her very being and loss.

she breaths deeply, rounded breasts rise and fall as she tries desperately to regain control, her mind screaming… “ you are kajira, you are to be pleasing, to be beautiful always”…..and once more she rises, this time her red lips part and her pink tongue licks at them, her eyes dark in sorrow, but she dances, she dances as never before, her body flying around the sands, kicking up sparkling bits, her beautiful form twisting this way and that, her hips gyrating, her ass sways as she slows the pace, panting hard.

her face lifts once more, trying to hold herself proudly, but all can see she is broken inside, her eyes showing everything…she knows not how to continue, to have given so totally and lost….moving upon her toes, she spins in lil pirouettes, one arm lifted over her head, the other clutching her slave belly, her actions not lost as her grief is there to see, but her dance is poignant, beautiful, and elegant, full of grace, as she moves now with a sure pace.

no matter her feelings, she knows she is slave, she is to serve, she is to be pleasing, she is not allowed the luxury of her broken heart and spirit, she must be the true kajira she is….twin tabors beat now, loud, urging, demanding of her, she knows only she must dance, she must show her beauty as required, she is not to be anything but perfection.

her hands twine over her head as she starts to spin, hands fluttering, twisting together, her face beautiful as her head tilts back slightly, her slender throat exposed, the pulse beating there swift, the tears still flowing down her cheeks, leaving their silver trails, but her dancer’s body moves, and as she steps out of the spin, she lunges to one side, hands out as if beckoning to a Master, then to the other side, pleading, begging,  is she still able to live and be found pleasing she wonders deep inside

again the kaska seems to take over, thump…thump…thump….beating faster now as if to show her heart may not be stopped, she may be wishing it would, but she is slave, she is not allowed, she must push the pain which hurts so terribly and rips through her like a hot knife twisting inside her, pushing it away, demanding of her.

she leaps in the air, legs scissoring, then once more and again, her hair flying out behind like a dark cloud, her small waist twists slightly with each move, making her hips writhe slightly and landing with a light step, shapely legs straining as she moves faster, as if to drive the demon inside her out, to remove the pain within.

she feels the pain will always be there of her loss, but finally she understands, she MUST continue on, to do anything else would not to be who and what she is…kajira.

her tears still flow, her sobs are soft, her pain is there, but now she knows, she will survive…and with a final leap into the air as the music ends with a clash of cymbals…she lands upon her knees, bends forward at the waist, and places her forehead to the sands her arms before her, to await her fate and what time shall bring…..and then!!!, once more!!!...Another comes along……….

she is now the property of Another, One so handsome and wise, whose very look makes her quiver with need, and all her instincts awaken to please Him totally, as He owns her now, mind, body and soul!! Her doe-like eyes soft as she smiles, feeling the life inside her burning hotly once more!!

“la kajira”