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Oar Dance - GS Patrons


winning dance was performed by resident Builder - Sandman


taking the bosk by the horns, I run to the mock up of the ship, and jump up and grab the railing and pull myself up to it...... * I will go first and show you all how it is done where I come from.........LOL...LOL..

* Standing on the rail, I ready myself for the dance......then leap from it to the first oar.. finding my footing, I leap again to the second and balance there for a second....then leap again and again to the third and forth.... feeling confident, I turn to wave to the crowd and leap again....

Landing on the fifth oar I turn to face the crowd yet again.....smug and full of confidence, I leap backwards onto the sixth oar, mugging it up for all to see... then once again, jumping backwards as I wave ..... my foot landing just short of a good hold I start to teeter and realize that I have made a serious error.......hands and arms flailing about as I try to recover and is too late.....I lose my footing all together, and fall down....landing on my ass in the mud.......

Mud pit claims first dancer


Bolt Sarakai
Ok I
'll go next...
Striding up to the half ship and clambering aboard

Climbing up onto the half deck and looking about at the oarsmen as they start to row…Adjusting the sword that was looped over my left shoulder so that it crossed my back diagonally…Dressed in my scarlet tunic, black breeches and calf high leather boots I run a hand over my shaven head…at my waist was tied an empty tankard…I had seen this done perfectly before whilst I had been in the northland…even attempted it once…I rub the place on my chest that had borne the brunt of my fall…Looking to the crowd I dance a little jig and then bow slightly and with a flourish approach the stern of the ship…

My eyes narrow as I watch the rise and fall of the oars, noting the timing and the distance between each stroke and then without further adieu I leap out onto the oar as it starts on its rise…arms extended and with feet close together I hold myself for an ihn and I watch the rise and fall of the next oar and as the oar starts to descend I leap off and catch it as it reaches its lowest point…Now there was no time to turn back …one could liken my gaze to that of a swooping tarn on the hunt, observing everything but focused on only one thing…the next oar…

My arms slightly raised and my feet firmly locking onto the oar I rise up on the oar as it makes its ascent and as it nears its zenith I leap, catching myself on the next oar and holding myself steady as it the oar starts to descend…I would use the rising stroke to make all my jumps, thus giving me a fraction of an ihn to adjust when I landed on the next moving oar…It had been on the next jump that I had fallen the last time I had attempted this and this thought swept through my mind before disappearing in a surge of adrenaline as I made the next leap on the upstroke of the oar…catching myself I bend backwards slightly…careful not to over adjust I twist slightly to the side and make the next leap…

The upstroke of the oar eased my passage through the air and as I landed upon the next oar I could feel my left foot start to slide off the oar…twisting to the right and using my arms as balance I do a full circle with my right foot, before using my left foot to plunge down and on the upstroke to leap to the next oar…this time I land perfectly and a slow grin creases the corner of my lips as I realize I was going to make it all the way to the end…the next oar as I landed I twisted my hand in a salute to the crowd…keeping my balance, using my whole body I wait for the upstroke to jump to the final oars…

The last three or four oars were over in a blur and as I reach the final oar on its upstroke I leap up on the railing of the ship, landing easily and then jumping down onto the deck I turn to the crowd, grabbing the empty tankard from my belt and with a roar close my other fist above it, making the sign of the hammer...I had done it!




taking my staff in one hand and the rope in one,, I pull back,, and swing up.... my feet reaching the rail at the bow of the
ship.. then slowly sliding out onto the first oar

eyeing the oars ,, following the Builders dictum of measure twice then cut once,, I leap up,, then come down on the first oar .. my bulk causing it to flex ,.. crouching down and leaping .......... skipping the 2nd oar and landing on the 3rd... my boots catching the blade as the whole ship shudders

feeling the oar flex,, I begin to bounce up and down,, the oar flexing under my weight,,,,,, springing up.. I plant my staff on the 4th oar,, and vault to the 5th ... teetering ,, my arms flailing

finding my balance,, I grimace,,
thinking this seemed easier in practice ........... steeling myself I leap from oar to oar to oar .. stopping at the 8th...... my footing sure now,, nodding to the crowd

thinking more than this will be needed to win the judging .. I bounce again,,,, then spring up........ skipping the 9th to land on the 10th using my staff to balance


looking at the last two oars... reaching into my pouch .. taking out my seldom used kurt ... bouncing and leaping thru the air,, tossing my staff to the ground ,,, swinging the kurt to wrap around the oar,, my feet hitting it and my great bulk pitching forward .. barely held on by the kurt

my chest heaving as I am barely restrained by the kurt ....... shouting somebody toss me the rope

ahh there it is reaching out .. letting go of the kurt and slowly swinging back to the ground



I clicked my tongue softly as I heard it was my turn. Nodding to Sandman as I passed him on the way to the ship, grinning at him, he and Bolt would be tough to beat. I took another long swig of the paga, long enough that I drained it, and then tossed the empty aside. My stride as I approached the mock half ship was ground eating and in a space of ihn, I'd reached the side of the ship, grabbed a mooring line and swung up to the deck.

I closed my eyes for an ihn, standing on that half deck, but it still didn't feel like it should, there was no gentle rocking below my feet, no creaking of the timbers as the Thassa rolled underneath. Not even the slightest breeze stirred my clothing. But there was the gathered crowd watching and I felt a thrill inside at the eyes upon me. I grinned mischievously at them before I turned to look once more about the ship. Looking up, I spotted a free hanging line from the mock ship's truncated single mast. Grabbing it, I wrapped it once about my hand, walked back several steps and then ran forward, springing onto the rail and leaping towards the people watching.

The line held and I swung far out, a throaty yell of triumph echoing in the enclosed training yard. As I arced back, I lifted my feet and bent my legs slightly at the knees to cushion the blow as they met the rail.
I leaned far back and then pushed off once more, but more carefully this time, my jump planting me on one of the ship's dozen oars.
My head fell back and I yelled the name of my beloved city, that infamous scourge of the gleaming Thassa...

Port Kar!!!!

My hand slipped free of the line and I stood, teetering, on the narrow but sturdy shaft of temwood. A Grin plastered itself to my lips and I jumped and spun in the air, relying on years of time spent on the Thassa and, before that, the Tahari, to help me keep from falling to the mudpit below. Landing, my knees took the force, bending to keep the oar from shattering under the sudden stress. Standing tall once again, I leaped across to the next, but barely had my feet touched before I leapt to the next in line, laughing heartily at the slight feel of danger.

I turned swiftly, but the sudden shift caused me to nearly fall, my arms flailed out in circles. As my balance returned to me, I laughed again and leaped back. From oar to oar, I traversed the bank that would, on a real ship, be lifting and falling in time with each other. The last oar lay ahead and I took a chance, jumping over the one beside it to try for that prize.

I realized while I was in midair that my feet would not make it, so it was my hands that reached, my arms ahead of me, trying to stretch, trying to prevent the inevitable fall to the mud pit below. Fingers closed about the wood and clenched, the wood bent from the sudden affect of gravity from my flailing form. My feet dragged through the mudpit, but my grip held and I swung beneath it.

Pulling up, I scrambled to retain that perch on the oar, my feet kicking back and then swinging over the oar till I rested upon my stomach. Twisting, I shifted my weight till I sat there, a stupid grin on my face. Slowly, I stood once again, fighting to get that balance I had lost only a spare ehn ago. At last, my feet were planted, shoulder wide, my hands were a mere inch above that oar, fingers spread. Slowly, I rose, my back uncurling till I once more stood tall, my legs shifting to hold me there.

I raised my arms in triumph, laughing at the escape from danger. Looking back over my shoulder, I jumped again, a half spin in the air turning me to face the other way, my arms swinging about till I stood steady once more on that narrow shaft of temwood.

Catching my balance again, I eyed that long line of oars and the mast line I'd left there. Slowly, I flexed and straightened my knees, over and over, till that oar I stood upon bounced lightly beneath me. I let out another yell and then I ran, long legged strides carrying me from oar to bouncing oar. If I'd given it a thought, I'd have probably missed or slipped, braining myself on the oar shaft on the way to the mudpit below.

My feet hit that last oar and I used it's spring to catapult me into the air, grabbing the line as I passed by. As I swung out again, I shouted, at the top of my lungs...

Gorean Shores forever!!!

I released my hold on the line, praying to the Priest Kings that I would not break my neck with this foolish move. My arms flung out and as my feet hit the grass, my legs buckled at the knees and hips, tucking under to absorb the jarring impact. I rolled forward before coming to a rest on my back, staring up into space, laughing hard.

Grinning at everyone as I realize they thought I had finished before leaving the oars.
Ok, I'm a show off...
I stood and grinned at GaigiN as he passed



Now That I am certain the the Captain is on the ground, and the rowers begin I time my leap and just manage to get to a stand . . . . balancing precariously. I stay as close to the ship as possible because the oars move least there

Learning from watching Bolt, I time my move to the next oar to the upstroke of the rowers . . . waiting until the oar moves forward I am poised to make my leap .

At just the right time I jump and . . . . . . almost make it . . . Gabbing for the oar with my hands . . . I miss that too and do an artistic face
-plant in the enormous hole in the mud left by Rollo

~Standing now knee deep in the mud I wave to all and move toward the wharf to return to my Serpent to get cleaned up.~


 Mud pit claims second dancer


Laughs as I slap a good shot across Emerald's back.
Fresh clothes ehhh? then..
pauses and smiles settling My steel and moving to the fa pux ship....
reaching up to pull and then vault Myself up onto the rail.
bowing deeply to the crowd and them watching the rhythm and the movement of the oars.
and with a grin and a wink I leapt up into the air and .....

landing at the top of the oar and sliding down to the very bottom of the oar balancing as it raises and falls.
as it reaches the top I bow once again and then it goes down to lift and at the peak I leap up into the air and do a back flip, landing on the oar, and smiling as I bow again and then....
leaping at the top to move to the next oar, spreading arms and legs wide, before landing securely on
the second oar.
riding it up and down placing My feet in
the proper place to ride it up high and leaping again into the air moving over to the third oar....

Again spreading My hands and legs wide apart, a great giant "X" smiling and winking as I go.
Some how some way, a slight error in timing or maybe a bit over exaggerated wink or bow.
Hands and legs still spread wide when the oar suddenly appears.
Between My legs...
suddenly the smile fades to a "OH" !!!!!!!
and now knowing the truest meaning of the latest battle move called a "HARKON"
Balancing for a moment while I catch My breath before rolling off to one side, the loud THUNK in the mud.
Somehow the cool wet mud a relief

Laughing in the mud at the extent One must go to beat His fellow Men. LOL
Ohhhhhhh groaning softly as I laugh.

Turning up to stand barely taking a careful bow in
the mud and then moves Myself from the mud.
Laughing as I go. LOL


 Mud pit claims third dancer

Hands Laroona my cloak and I climbs up onto the ship

Moving to the stem side of the ship at the railing, eying the oar below. My hands placed firmly on the railing before leaping over it down onto the first oar… My knees bend with my hands held out to my side.

Steadying myself and leaping to the second oar …. My right foot lagging behind a bit it strikes the side of the oar moving it out f
rom under me.

Reaching out with my hands trying to grasp the oar... I grasp nothing but air. Falling backwards, cringing, …tucking my arms in close and covering my face with my hands.


My ass hits the mud first then I’m engulfed by the mud.. The mud splats in every direction,… scurrying to my feet. Makes a futile attempt of wiping the mud from my face as I wade towards the edge of the pit. Wincing a bit placing my hand on my back…. ....

Sandman next time can you make the pit a little deeper or the ship not as tall? …chuckles…

Wades out of the mud and walks towards Laroona ..

Laroona how about a consultation hug for your Man? ..Laughs


 Mud pit claims fourth dancer

Emerald Forest
*I walk towards the ship as Xertog makes His way out of the mud S*

*I stand at the side of the mud pit and looks in,
doesn't look to clean LOL , then I coil back the whip and lets it soar and it catches on one of the oars and with the rhythm of the strokes I launch Myself up towards the ship and over the rails and lands on the deck, then I uncoil the whip from the oar and wraps it around My waist S*

*I look over the side of the ship and takes a leap of faith onto the first oar and gets My balance before launching off to the second one and lands on top of it towards the middle*

*getting My balance again and takes of for the third and fourth in a couple of bounds,
getting My balance again, shaking a bit and looking down at the mud LOL, then taking off for the fifth and sixth oar almost losing it between the two, then I take off for the seventh and spins to see how many more to go LOL*

*then I take off for the last few and jumps of the last oar onto the sand,
glad I didn't go into the mudpit LOL*

 Mud pit claims fifth dancer






Woken rudely from a deep slumber, by Xertog’s guff voice…. “come woman get your dancing shoes on, there is a Festival on” ….. muttering to myself as I stumble off the couch, dainty hands rubbing the last remnants of sleep from my eyes, I rise and stagger to my robe, putting on my finest robes, for the Festival….. feeling around for my dancing slippers, I grab the first pair and pull them on… they do feel a bit strange after little use in many years…..

Not wanting to let my man down I stumble behind him…. My feet seem to feel like lumps of bosk-dung has been stuck to the soles as I clump from the holding to the tavern, mumbling under my breath it is still too early as this old FW needs her beauty sleep….leaning in he whispers “hear the music, feel the beat, I would really enjoy seeing you dance” …. I think he must be crazy there are plenty of slaves who can amuse him and dance, but then he is my man…..

Hearing laughter and then I hear cymbals crash and clang….. I stomp my feet, feeling the beat…. Lifting up the hem of my robes,… would not want to stumble over and fall on my petite tush or flat on my face and have allllllllllllll those men seeing what my plaited hairy legs below the robes… I stagger around the furs and tables of the tavern… ignoring the giggling slaves,,, oh dear I felt something squish,,, shrugging my shoulders, I look down and it is only a slave…. Clomping to the sand pit as the dreaded noise the musicians make gets louder…

I notice a pole sticking up from the sand….. ESCAPE ROUTE enters my mind,,, as something stirs in my memory… I head to the pole….. staggering and stumbling I grab hold of it with gloved hands…. I hears slaves snickering, glancing back at them I glare, before the light comes on in my head… get to the top of the pole….. no one can get you there….

Huffing and puffing, I feel a footstool, giving me a lift I scramble up the pole, and nestle on the top… arranging my robes and veils, my feet tucked under me, none can see what is hidden now…peering down I notice caitlin next to the pole, ohh she was my footstool…. Still hearing that awful banging noises I cover my ears to block out the sounds… then realizes my body is swaying to the music…

Losing my grip from the pole I slide down and land in the sand… shaking myself off and regaining my composure, I clomp back to sit next to Xertog, wondering what came over me… I look down at my dancing slippers….. these are not slippers!!!!!!… they are a pair of Xertog’s boots, the girls must have moved them around….. feeling around with my toes I fe
l something soft and smelly…. KINGS these are his socks he wore last year stuck in them!!!

I look at Xertog smiling sweetly at him and lean over and speak softly “next time you want me to dance, you can spend coin on new dancing slippers”