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Greetings, and welcome to the "Vlar Dracul's Cryp†" official website. "Vlar Dracul's Cryp†" is the latest addition to "Ple†hora of Blood Extreme", the infamous vampyrical magazine. The Cryp† is an RPG (Role Playing Game) column which brings dark †ales from RPG Land into your Home, courtesy of the "Talk City RPG Officionaire", Senior player, Vlar Dracul. RPG is the newest topic to be covered by "Ple†hora of Blood", and fate-willing, It will be one that lasts.

To begin, I will pose a rhetorical question for some of you who are not familiar with it: "What is TalkCity RPG?" RPG stands for Role Playing Game. There are many RPG's which exist, online and off, amidst a great number of servers in the vast reaches of cyber-space. But the specific RPG which will be covered by "Vlar Dracul's Cryp†" is the one which exists in TalkCity, by the name of Tyran's Cove. It is classified as "Gothic", but primarily is focused on Vampyrism. The current timeline is medieval.

Who and what you are is the most important part of the game. Keep in mind, who you are and what you become control the entire balance of the game from your aspect, and the reality you present to others. When a new player (or character) enters the game for the first time, they should be able to supply other players with the most pertinent information about themselves, such as their appearance, which includes: atire, physical stature, and any weapons or special powers they may possess. Your character's background is also key, but many choose to keep this info discreet; adding to the mystery of their character. It would be wise to draw up a character sheet/bio.

In time, your character will grow, becoming an extension of your inner-self. The word "game" is used rather loosely in the term "RPG", as it has become much more than that to many. RPG is like another world, another level of existence. And this reality is amplified through RPG. If you have ever been swept away by a great book or story, felt as though you were right there, partaking in the adventure, then you've only just seen the tip of the ice-berg, so to speak. RPG takes that realisation to new levels, through interaction.

Rules: TalkCity has it's own set of RPG rules, but they are usually disreguarded. The rules are much like the characters, in the sense that they are always changing. The rules of Tyran can be viewed at the Tyran's Cove Webpage. Some popular TC RPG rooms are as follows: #VampPub, #Arena, #Vampire-Tavern; and many more surface and disappear again daily.

Keep in mind, RPG is not for the weak minded and ill tempered, thus it's not made for everyone; but it may be exactly what your looking for. Though the best way to learn is through first-hand experience, it would be good for everyone to first review some of the rules and regulations of the game; again, see the Tyran's Cove Webpage.

Understanding will come in time...get to know some of the characters, but use prudence in whom you put trust. You never know who, or what you may encounter. Lay your inhibitions aside, and come into this with an open mind, or regrets will follow you everywhere you go. Be willing to absorb all of the information you possibly can. The more knowledge you have about the game and It's characters, the better you shall fair.

My character, Vlar Dracul, has been a 'Senior character' in the Tyran's Cove RPG campaign for the equivalent of centuries (in Tyran time). And it is the sole purpose of this column to provide you with my character's own very lengthy History, in the form of first hand adventures, sharing my dark tales of insight for your pleasure.

**Update: has closed, and Plethora of Blood Extreme is out of print. The Tyran's Cove RPG has diversed to a new chat server: Hope to see you there... Carpé Noctem!

Fea†ured Si†es:

**NEW--> Valor's Transformer Sprites

My Sliders Page

The World Trade Center Conspiracy

"THE ONE" Fan Site

Come Sail Away!

Valor's Prequel

History of Valor Dracul (Bio)

The Q Memorial (en français)

La Vampir

Vlar's Timeline of the World

In Cannabis Veritas

Vlar's favori†e RPG Sites:

Tyran's Cove Past

TyranT's Cove

RPG Impact

Manor Clan (zX)

Vampire Tremere (vT)

Dark Kingdom (Dk)

RPG Help

#Vampirepub Homepage (

Vlar's Vampyre Links:

Mor†icia's Morgue

Mistress Jaydes Cemetery

Dark E†ernal

Demy†hri's Domain

#Vampire Homepage

Pathway to Darkness

Vampire A-Z

Vampire Femmes

the net.vampyric

Other Links:

The Club House (Webtv Help)

Alta Vista Translator

A Lot of Gifs to Go

The Black Vault

Chinese Horoscope

Poetic Injustice

En†er †he Vor†ex:

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