Company. One of the fastest vehicles in the game, with a deadly rapid back weapon.
Front Weapons Rapid Single Gatling Gun Mini Missiles
Back Weapons Rapid Mini Mines


Company. A slick car with some unique yet balanced weapons attached.
Front Weapons Single Gatling Gun Artillery Heat-Seeking Double Medium Missiles
Side Weapons Single Gatling Guns


Company. The most common Company vehicle, it's well-rounded with its offense and defense but a bit slow.
Front Weapons Double Gatling Guns Infrared Heavy Missiles
Side Weapons Double Gatling Guns
Back Weapons Large Mines


Company. A very unique tank-like bus, it has the most variety of missiles than any other vehicle.
Front Weapons Infrared Double Sidewinder Rockets Heat-Seeking Double Medium Missiles Infrared Heavy Missiles
Side Weapons Mini Missiles
Back Weapons Maglev Mines


Lepers. A hybrid of a motorcycle and a car, it has some maneuverability but not much defense.
Front Weapons Rapid Mini Missiles Oversized Double Shotguns
Back Weapons Mini Mines


Lepers. A typical Lepers gang car with some weapons that are difficult to use but are deadly.
Front Weapons Rapid Mini Missiles Infrared Spreading Missiles
Back Weapons Rapid Mini Mines


Lepers. An extremely powerful vehicle, it is well-rounded with medium speed and unique weapons, especially the Infrared Cluster Missiles.
Front Weapons Rapid Mini Missiles Puntgun Infrared Cluster Missiles
Side Weapons Oversized Double Shotguns


Lepers. A van that isn't the fastest, but has a pretty cool design.
Front Weapons Rapid Mini Missiles Puntgun
Side Weapons Puntguns


Sixers. The most common Sixers vehicle, it's pretty weak but the weapons are varied at least.
Front Weapons Double Lasers Rail Gun Pulse Machine Gun
Back Weapons Heat-Seeking Orgone Mines


Sixers. Another common Sixers vehicle, it is a bit tougher than usual.
Front Weapons Pulse Machine Gun Orgone Torpedoes
Side Weapons Single Lasers


Sixers. Although it may not seem intimidating, the weapons make up for it, especially the powerful Orgone Cannon.
Front Weapons Pulse Machine Gun Orgone Cannon
Side Weapons Pulse Machine Guns


Sixers. The most feared Sixers vehicle, it's a bit big, but not too slow, with an impressive arsenal.
Front Weapons Triple Lasers Orgone Torpedoes
Side Weapons Pulse Machine Guns
Back Weapons Heat-Seeking Orgone Mines


Templars. Even though it looks like a generic racing vehicle, the weapons are certainly not generic.
Front Weapons Darker Double Gatling Guns Psi-Flares
Back Weapons Large Grenades


Templars. The most common Templars vehicle, and for good reason, since it is perfectly balanced all around.
Front Weapons Vulcan Cannon Heat-Seeking Psi-Flares
Side Weapons Large Grenades
Back Weapons Double Large Grenades


Templars. A slow but extremely powerful tank, with one of the most unique back weapons, the Lightning Mortar.
Front Weapons Darker Double Gatling Guns Heat-Seeking Psi-Flares
Side Weapons Double Large Grenades
Back Weapons Lightning Mortar


A turret with non-energy weapons, one of the toughest contraptions to destroy.
Front Weapons Rapid Artillery Infrared Heavy Missiles


A turret with only one energy weapon, but the Double Blue Lasers are extremely fast, and very deadly, so no other weapons are needed.
Front Weapons Double Blue Lasers


An enhanced pod with upgraded energy weapons, its small size makes it harder for an enemy to hit.
Front Weapons Quad Lasers Orgone Cannon


The weaker version of the pod, it still packs a punch but isn't as powerful as the other one.
Front Weapons Double Lasers Rapid Orgone Torpedos


This is the common civilian vehicle, it's got weak armor and weak weapons, but will do just fine in a pinch.
Front Weapons Lighter Double Gatling Guns Infrared Sidewinder Rockets


Besides the large tanks, this is the only vehicle to have both energy and ammo weapons, but it's very small with weak armor, although its blast radius is large.
Front Weapons Rapid Large Green Lasers Small Green Missiles


One of the most useless vehicles, it is only useful for running away, but its weapon is similar to the on-foot blinding Flash Grenades.
Front Weapons Flash Missiles


A very dangerous vehicle, even when unoccupied, as it has no weapons because its tank has a massive blast radius.
Front Weapons Itself


Templars. It can only be driven with cheats via using an EMP on-foot, and in one mission.
Front Weapons Orgone Cannon Heat-Seeking Psi-Flares


Company. This is the proper tank, with perfect armor and unique weapons, although it only appears in three missions sadly.
Front Weapons Orgone Cannon Double Rapid Blue Lasers Infrared Double Heavy Missiles
Side Weapons Rapid Artillary
Back Weapons Heat-Seeking Mini Missile Robots


A massive turret that only appears in one singleplayer mission, and is only used against two other turrets.
Front Weapons Long Distance Orgone Cannon


A plane that is mainly used for transportation. It has no weapons and it can't be controlled by the player, but it appears in one mission and in the briefings of three other missions.
Front Weapons Itself