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Huguenot Marketing Activities Page

Richmond Public Schools Competitive Events
Each marketing student has an opportunity to participate in each of the following events: social intelligence, leadership development, vocational understanding, and civic consciousness. The purposes of our competitive are:
  • To contribute to the development of competencies needed for careers in marketing, merchandising, and management.
  • To provide opportunities for student recognition.
  • To motivate students to assume responsibility for self-improvement and self-discipline through participation in competitive events.
  • To provide visibility for the educational goals and objectives of marketing education.

Other marketing activities include:
  • Fund Raising events such as candy and doughnut sales
  • Thanksgiving basket project
  • Christmas "giving tree" project
  • Valentines reception
  • Installation of officers at a professional luncheon
  • Club T-shirt delivery
  • Year end ice cream party
  • Miscellaneous fieldtrips