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Money To Surf

How It Works

Picture this...
Have you ever been on Yahoo! or other sites where they have a banner about as wide as your screen and about 1" high? Imagine that banner, on the bottom of your screen while your online just staying there and you don't even look at it. Now you know what its like.

How does it work? It basically works the same as advertising. Advertisers pay the Paid To Surf companies to display their banners, and the Paid To Surf companies pay you to have this banner at the bottom of your screen while your online. Therefor, everyone gets what they want. Advertisers getting advertising straight to the user, the Paid To Surf companies take in the money and give you a precentage of the revenue.

The result is an hourly "wage" in which you get paid around $.60-$1 an hour (varies from company to company) to have this banner at the bottom of your screen you don't even look at.

Don't understand? Please ask me at the contact section.







