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Money To Surf


okay, you have just seen that you only get around $.60-$1 an hour for all this. So how do some people make around $1000 a month? Good question.

When you sign up for these Paid To Surf companies, you will be asked at the bottom of the form if anyone refered you (if there isn't already something in this box already). This is where the big money comes from.

On sign-up, you will receive a user-name and password. Your user-name is used for logging into your account and refering people. Every person who puts your User-name in that box, will become your referal. This referal gains you the extra money.

The companies pay you a percentage of their income if they refer under your user-name. Therefor, if you refer 20 people under your user-name and they surf the internet 20 hours a month each, then you could be making around $10 for each referal ($200 in total). But it doesn't stop there.

If these 20 referals then refer 10 referals each, then you also earn a percentage of these too (a smaller percentage though). The total money is unlimited, the only limit is your anxiety. Do you want to spend 10 minutes writing an email to all your friends to get that extra cash?








