USS LaFayette


Crew Manifest

This is where information regarding the crew of the LaFayette is posted. Some files are still classified to command staff access only. There are also links at the bottom of this page should you wish to apply for a position aboard the USS LaFayette.

Choosing the Science icon will establish a link with the USS LaFayette's database of Bravo Fleet, DarkStar and ship's regulations and protocols. Choosing the Sickbay icon will establish a link with the LaFayette's Chief Medical Officer's datasbase on the ship's crew. Choosing the Database icon will bring up a NPC personnel database and established facts about the LaFayette presented by her crew via posts. The Engineering icon will bring up the ship's database of modifications and improvements, and a growing list of links to sites I have found helpful in building this site.

"The rank pips graphics on this page where created by Steven Marriott, for Tango Fleet RPG. Please do not copy these images, simply go to the Tango Fleet Website, and the Ranks Page. Hear you will find info regarding the Pips. Steven Will happily pass along the files to anyone who takes the time to ask him for the files"

Congratulations to all crew who received a promotion!

Listed by Chain of Command

Position Name Rank Race -Gender Personnel File
Commanding Officer P.D. McAllister Human-Male
Executive Officer Benjiman R. Cape Human - Male
Chief of Security & Second Officer Norris Arunson Young Human - Male
Stratigic Operations Officer Diane Clevinger Female  
Operations Manager Available    
Tactical Officer Rahvin Hacker Human - Male
Chief Engineer Available    
Science Officer Available    
CONN Officer Josh Cole Human - Male
Flight Commander, BG-A Chris Csatlos Human - Male
Marine Commander, BG-A Arthur Tremor Human - Male
Wing Commander, Manta Fighter Squadron James Higuchi Human - Male
Wing Commander, Delta Wing Julianna Cole Human - Female
Wing Commander Available    
Wing Commander Available    
Marine XO, Recon Platoon Leader Andrew Snyterr Human/Anaran - Male
Chief Medical Officer Matt Harris Human - Male
Intelligence Advisor Mira Ra'Hennet Human - Female
Command Staff Assistant Paul Atrides Human-Male  
Marine (NCOIC) Available    
Operator, Dark Unicorn Lounge "Sam Smith" Civilian Human - Male



Guest Villains and Honored Guests

"Guest Villains" play the role of the LaFayette's enemies during many of our missions. Honored Guests are players that make their way aboard every now and again to make life interesting.

Emperor of the Krazzle Lord Skragg (Joe Scouller) Krazzle - Male GV
Casolian Lord Prince Na'in Ra'Hennet (Dark Angel) Casolian - Male GV
Weasel Information Source Lt. Commander John Steed (Joe Scouller) Human - Male GV/NPC
CINCTF17 Flynn Taggart Human - Male HG
Inteligence Advisor Shea Voran Enhanced Betazoid - Female HG
Holographic Computer "Aceii" AHCI2* N/A
Chief Science Officer "Biggs" Duke Human-Vulcan KIA
Marine Commander, BG-A Jarrod Caine Human - Male KIA
Section 31 Agent (Nurse) Arase Cyllia Vulcan-Female KIA
Chief of Security, USS Unicorn Kira Malsten Ivantian-Female MIA
Platoon Leader Dyral Lanor Human-Male MIA
Pilot Lessonar Klingon-Male MIA

* Advanced Holographic Computer Interface, Mark II


Actrive Non-Player Characters (NPCs)

NPCs will be eliminated to make room for players

Operations Manager Lt. Sharo
Security Officer Ensign Harsh
Science Officer John Steed
Chief Engineer Billy-Bob Stynt
Marine (NCOIC) Sarge
Insane Prankster Lt. Gaits

Alpha Wing


Eagle Class Fighters

Alpha One Callsign - Psycho  David Hannigan
Alpha Two Callsign - Buck Scott I. Thomas
Alpha Three Callsign - Sparrow Sarah May
Alpha Four Callsign - Hawkeye Jack Gordon
Alpha Five Callsign - Maurader Valerie C. Saals
Alpha Six Callsign - Warrior Ryan Blake

Beta Wing

  Razor Class Fighters
Beta One Callsign - Wolverine Justin Talbot
Beta Two Callsign - Ace Henry L. Johnson
Beta Three Callsign - Lightning Drela T'Vok
Beta Four Callsign - Mauler Ashley Michael
Beta Five Callsign - Hollywood Janis Scott
Beta Six Callsign - Snake Lauren Markson

Delta Wing

  Peregrine Class Fighters
Delta One Callsign - Jade Julianna Cole (PC)
Delta Two Callsign - Senior Cornelius Tainer
Delta Three Callsign - Ghost Jacob Casper
Delta Four Callsign - Face Raine Taggart
Delta Five Callsign - Neutron Nela T'Var
Delta Six Callsign - Hawk Tamira Raven

Epsilon Wing

  Manta Class Fighters
Epsilon One Callsign - Mad Cow James Higuchi (PC)
Epsilon Two Callsign - Burner Nell McNiel
Epsilon Three Callsign - Stunts Emilio Gratez
Epsilon Four Callsign - Javaman Ryan Henderson
Epsilon Five Callsign - LCARS T'Mec
Epsilon Six Callsign - Psycs Simon Webber



Player Commendation Award

Awarded after each mission to the player who showed the most character development during that mission.

Mission 0   Jukh-


  The LaFayette's Chief Engineer is one of the most unusal characters I've ever seen in an RPG of any type. For creativity and excellent characterization, the Player Commendation Award for Mission 0: Drydock, goes to Jim Notemeyer. Congratulations, Jim!
Mission 1   Jarrod Caine   Marine Captain Jarrod Caine deserves this award for developing his character from a bar hopping ladies man to a commander who has expressed insight and thought into the problems currently facing the LaFayette. Congratulations Malcolm!
Mission 2   Mira   For excellent posting both in character and as our Casolian Guest Villain, this award is presented to Dark Angel in recognition of her writing throughout Mission 2.
Mission 3   Norris Young   For excellent character development while chasing spies and other malcontents, this award is presented to Commander Norris Young.

Commendation Award

Awarded after each mission to the player who submitted the best post for that mission.

Mission 0   Ron Noltemeyer   For excellent posts as Sam Smith, the manager of the LaFayette's crew lounge, the Dark Unicorn.
Mission 1   Joe Scouller   For excellent posts as both "Biggs" Duke, the LaFayette's now deceased Science Officer, and Lord Skragg of the Krazzle Empire.
Mission 2   Malcolm Thornton   Playing as Jarrod Caine, the LaFayette's marine commander, Malcolm wrote several posts which single-handedly saved not only his own skin, but that of his commanding officer and affected escape from Casolian captivity. Well Done!
Mission 3   Jamie Dickson   Playing as Lieutenant Julianna Cole, Jamie jumped right in with some excellent post showing the organization and training of her wing of fighters. Congratulations!

Achievement Award

Awarded after each mission to the player who did the most to develop the plot and move the story line of the USS LaFayette forward, without causing major splits in the story line or major changes to other characters.

Mission 0   Mira   As played by Dark Angel, Mira has done the most so far to introduce plot elements and move the adventures of the USS LaFayette along. Well done, Mira!
Mission 1   Ron Noltemeyer   As played by Ron, Sam Smith, manager of the LaFayette's Dark Unicorn Lounge has made major contributions to our plots on several levels, without the need for any split-fixing. Congratulations, Ron!
Mission 2   Norris Auyeung   As played by Norris, Chief of Security Young was fast on his feet, always adapting to the confusing situations he found himself in the middle of. He was able to follow the post of both his fellow crewmates and our guest villains, and responded well, moving the story along with a tweak here or a quick comment there. A well deserved award!
Mission 3   Mira & Rahvin Hacker   Our third mission, which was supposed to be about the court-martial of Captain Cape, quickly took a back seat to the antics of Section 31 (Hacker) and the mysterious SSR (Mira as Shea Voran). Well done!



Joing the crew of the LaFayette is simple. Just follow the directions below:

  1. Participating in the USS LaFayette RPG is free, and requires only a little of your time.

  2. We request at least one email (post) every two weeks from junior officers (Lieutenant and below) and one post per week from senior officers (Lieutenant Commander and above)

  3. For a list of open positions, check our Manifest. The rest of our game rules are linked from that page (don't worry, there aren't that many!)

  4. If the position you want isn't listed as open, or is filled by a Non-Player Character (NPC), no problem! We can create the position you want, within reason, or move the NPC to another position. Players always have priority!

  5. Charactert who are attending Bravo Fleet Academy can still participate in the game while in school -- what better way to learn!

  6. Remember, IT'S FREE AND IT'S FUN! All you need is an email account, a love of Star Trek, and an active imagination.

  7. Just click the appropriate link below to begin the enlistment process.



Admiral McAllister, I want to serve on the USS LaFayette, but need help with the application!

Not a problem! Just 'tap' the combadge to contact our recruiting officer, Commander Duke. A private communication will be forwarded to the address you specify, and your application will be hand-carried to the Fleet. You can begin your service right away as a Cadet, pending the formal approvals.

  Admiral McAllister, I definately want to serve on the USS LaFayette!

To join the crew of the LaFayette, you must also join Bravo Fleet. Personnel with no experience are encouraged to enlist in the Bravo Fleet Academy. When filing your application, specify the LaFayette as your primary ship choice. Make sure to include the position on board you are applying for, but remember that ranks are assigned based on experience, not position. To join the crew of the LaFayette, 'tap' the commbadge for a secure link to Bravo Fleet enlistment.

  Admiral McAllister, I think I'd like a position on the USS LaFayette, but...

If you think you would like a position aboard the LaFayette, but are unsure for any reason, or just have some questions you need answered before you apply, please 'tap' the commbadge and send me a message. I'll be more than happy to address any concerns you might have.

  Admiral McAllister, thanks for the tour, but I'm not the Starfleet type.

Not a problem -- not every citizen of the Federation is cut out to serve in Starfleet. I hope you enjoyed your tour of the USS LaFayette, and if you change your mind, come on back and see me. Would you do the crew of the LaFayette a favor and register as a visitor by "tapping' the commbadge to enter a record of your visit?