USS LaFayette

  Welcome to the Bridge  

This is the tactical nerve center of the ship. Life and death decisions are made here without hesitation. This is where the action is!


The Akira class was original designed with a Galaxy class bridge module. Design upgrades have made both the Intrepid and Sovereign class modules available, based on fleet surpluses during scheduled refits. All bridge stations are user configurable; bridge layout is at the vessel commander's discretion.

Commanding Officer (CO)

Rear Admiral P.D. McAllister is in command of the USS LaFayette. The Commanding Officer is the vessels leader. He is responsible for his crew and the ship and is the ultimate authority over all persons on board the LaFayette. Adm. McAllister reports directly to the commander of TF 17, Vice Admiral Flynn Taggart.

Executive Officer (XO)

The XO is Cmdr. McAllister's chief advisor and second in command. All department heads report to the Executive Officer. The XO also leads most Away missions, except for those calling for a marine assault or the CO's physical presence for reasons of diplomacy.

  Flight Operations

Akira class cruisers were designed with two large shuttlebays, one fore and one aft, both located in the saucer section. These bays can be combined into one large hanger bay, allowing the LaFayette to support a number of fighters and smaller space craft. Flight operations are handled from this reconfigured engineering

console on the starboard side of the bridge. The Flight Operations Coordinator serves as the LaFayette's flight controller. This station is usually only manned when flight operations are underway. When not otherwise occupied, the Battle Group's Marine Detachment Commander often utilizes this station. To review the axuillary craft assigned to the LaFayette, tap the Flight Ops station or click the link above.


Tactical Two

During Marine assault operations, this station is manned either by a Marine officer or a Starfleet Tactical Officer. This station is normally utilized by the LaFayette's Tactical Officer.


Mission Ops 1 & 2

Located aft of the Command station, on either side of the bridge's engineering console, are Mission Ops 1 and Mission Ops 2. These stations are used during special mission operations, such as intelligence gathering or other covert operations. If available, this station is manned during Away missions, freeing the LaFayette's Operations Manager to concentrate on shipwide tasks.

  Tactical One

This is the bridge station for the LaFayette's Chief of Security. This station is always manned, usually by the Chief of Security or another member of his department. Her/his duty is to ensure the safety of ship and crew. Some take it as their personal duty to protect the Commanding/Executive Officer on away team missions.

S/he is also responsible for people under arrest, criminal investigations, and the safety of all guests. The Chief of Security is a department head and therefore responsible for all the crew members in her/his department and duty rosters, where the working time of all Security officers is scheduled.






Ready Room and Conference Lounge

The Ready Room is Admiral McAllister's private office. The Conference Lounge functions as the senior staff's wardroom and the CO's briefing room. Both are shown in the schematic in their default configurations; however, the LaFayette is equipped with holo-emitters on all decks.


The CONN Officer is responsible for piloting and navigation of the spacecraft. Her/his direct superior is the Executive Officer. Any shuttle pilots are also the responsibility of the CONN Officer. If required by the tactical situation, CONN can also serve as a tactical or flight operations station, in addition to ship's navigation. This requires a skilled officer; perhaps you are up to the task?




The duty of the Operations Manager (OPS) is scheduling of resources and hardware that affects a number of departments. S/he diverts ship's resources to all ships system to maintain optimum efficency. S/he can access all systems too, to assist the bridge crew where necessary. Her/his direct superior is the Executive Officer.


Computer Systems Analysis

This station is usually manned by the Chief Science Officer or a member of his department. S/he is responsible for the analysis of all data gathered by the ship's sensors and/or probes, and for advising the captain on technical matters.



While the Chief Engineer is certainly allowed on the bridge as needed, Admiral McAllister prefers that during tense situations that the Chief stay in Engineering and allow his Assistant to monitor this primarily auxillary station. During alert situations, this station is used primarily to monitor damage control and insure that the LaFayette's defensive systems remain on-line.


Galactic Map

(Click link for expanded version--WARNING -- large gif file!)