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The Medical Department Chief is Captain Mary Ann Winsley.

The Medical Department is responsible for the mental and physical well being of the ship’s personnel and for conducting medical and life sciences research. In research, the Medical Department works with the Sciences Department as necessary and vice versa. The Medical Department is responsible for handling and coordinating responses to Federation medical emergencies if the ship is the closest available to the site of the emergency; the Medical Department is equipped to do so until relieved by the arrival of a Hospital Ship or Medical Starliner.


CMO-Chief Medical Officer: This is the Medical Department Chief. He or she is responsible for this department and all personnel herein. His or her primary duty is the health of the crew, but especially that of the CO. The CMO is the only person who, with substantial medical evidence, has the authority to find the CO mentally or physically unfit and summarily relieve them of command. The CMO also oversees medical research projects. The CMO is part of the Command Staff and answers to the CO and XO.

AMO-Assistant Chief Medical Officer: This is the CMO’s assistant. The AMO’s duties are primarily administrative, but is the second most senior medical officer on the ship.

MED-Medical Officer: A general medical officer who heads or supervises a task or duty as assigned by the CMO or AMO, and acts as their assistant. Normally, a MED is part of an away team.

CMD-Chief Medical Doctor: The CMD is the senior medical doctor in charge of this division. Medical doctors are general medical doctors.

MD-Medical Doctor: A junior medical doctor or intern.

CSU-Chief Surgeon: The CSU is the senior surgeon in charge of this division. A surgeon specializes in operations.

NEU-Neurosurgeon: A surgeon specializing in neurosurgery, operating on nervous systems.

SUR-Surgeon: A general surgeon.

HN-Head Nurse: The HN is the senior nurse in charge of this division, as well as all other nurses and orderlies. Nurses assist surgeons during operations and examinations, and care for the sick and disabled.

AHN-Assistant Head Nurse: The AHN assists the HN in administering the nursing division. His or her station during a medical emergency is the secondary medical complex.

NUR-Nurse: A nurse or nurse in training.

CD-Chief Dentist: The CD is the senior dentist in charge of this division and all other dentists.

DEN-Dentist: A general dentist.

CPB-Chief of Prosthetics and Bionics: The CPB specializes in mating electromechanical prosthetics to life forms.

PB-Prothetics and Bionics Officer: A PB aids and assists the CPB.

CPI-Chief Psychiatrist: The CPI is the senior psychiatrist. Psychiatry is the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illness.

XPI-Xenopsychiatrist: A psychiatrist who specializes in extraterrestrial psychiatry.

PI-Psychiatrist: A general psychiatrist.

CPL-Chief Psychologist: The CPL is the senior psychologist in charge of this division. Psychology is the study of the mental, emotional, and behavioral characteristics of an individual, group, or activity.

XPL-Xenopsychologist: A psychologist who specializes in etraterrestrial psychology.

PL-Psychologist: A general psychologist.

CMB-Chief Medical Biologist: The CMN is the senior medical biologist in charge of this division.

MBI-Medical Biologist: A general medical biologist.

CLS-Chief of Life Sciences: The CLS is the senior life scientist in charge of this division. Life Sciences is the research aspect of the Medical Department, and it is this division that works closely with the Sciences Department as necessary.

BCH-Biochemist: A life scientist who specializes in biological chemistry.

BPH-Biophysicist: A life scientist who specializes in biological physics.

PPL-Parapsychologist: A psychologist who specializes in the paranormal, such as telepathy, empathy, telekenesis, psychokenesis, clairvoyance, and other such phenomenon.

LSC-Life Scientist: A general life scientist.

SCLR-Ship’s Counselor: Starship officer responsible for the emotional well being of the ship’s crew. The counselor’s duties include providing individual guidance and advice to crewmembers, as well as periodic crew performance evaluations, usually with the XO or department heads. The counselor is also expected to provide advice to the ship’s captain on some command decisions.


E/CRP-Corpsman: The most senior medical enlisted specialist, he or she is the most knowledgeable of medical systems and equipment, and is responsible for all enlisted personnel in the Medical Department. The CRP answers to the CMO, AMO, and CCPO.

E/CPM-Chief Pharmacist: The CPM is the druggist and is responsible for medical stores and banks, as well ass all other pharmacists.

E/PM-Pharmacist: A junior pharmacist and aide to the CPM.

E/DT-Dietician: The DT is responsible for planning dietary requirements for the ship’s personnel as necessary or as prescribed by a physician.

E/PTH-Physical Therapist: A PTH heals via manual and/or mechanical means as prescribed by a physician, or as he or she diagnoses as necessary.

E/MEO-Medical Equipment Officer: The MEO is responsible for all medical and laboratory equipment.

E/ORD-Orderly: An ORD acts as a medical or laboratory aide, and is trained as a corpsman.

Shown here is the Medical Department Roster. Without these dedicated members, the department and ship as a whole would not be able to function at all.

Chief Medical Officer and Command Personnel Officer: Captain Mary Ann Winsley

Chief of Prosthetics and Bionics: Lieutenant Ron Romero

Chief Psychiatrist: Lieutenant JG Tira Lerew

Cadet Zach Lerew

The Webmasters, Captain Marilyn Romero and Lieutenant Colonel Mike Romero have strived to make this web page the best possible, but if you have any suggestions on how to improve it, email one or both of us; or you can email Commodore John Winsley


"Star Trek," "Star Trek: The Next Generation," "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine," "Star Trek: Voyager," Starfleet, and Starfleet Academy are all ® Paramount Pictures, a Viacom company. No infringement is intended.

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