<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Posable Skeletons
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Posable Skeletons


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Bloody Skull Fountain
Bone End Table
Posable Skeletons


We've been using these posable skeletons for several years now. They're relatively cheap, you can get them at Walmart for under $15 and the possiblities are endless. We've posed them all over our yard and inside our house. Here's a sample of the fun we've had with these skeletons.
In this scene, we have the victim for our roof spider, and we posed the skeleton to look like he's hiding from the spider


This skeleton we stuck up in the tree, to spy on those driving by


A night view of the same skeleton. We placed a red blinking light in his ribs to look like a heart beating


It looks like he's been reading this book for a VERY long time!


This skeleton is just hanging out by the Bloody Skull Fountain

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