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Achhara Som Cambodian School Teacher Who Cared To Help Her School

The Story Behind Aknuwat Flooding Prevention Project (Founder 3u4peace Tony Robin Bulley)

The credit for this project becoming a reality and bringing hope for all the students of Aknuwat Junior High School is due to one teacher Achhara Som , without her dedication and commitment to her school this project would never have become the reality it is now. It is only when you get to know about this teacher and the life she has had, you realize what a strong inner courage she has, from nearly being killed by Pol Pot in the civil war to losing over 100 members of her family, to being kidnapped at 19 yrs old by bandits and nearly being killed again, this is a person who has put others before herself, and I personally know has put her own happiness on hold so this project can be achieved. My first contact with Achhara Som was on the internet when I was looking for contacts in Cambodia, when she knew why I was coming to Cambodia her first thought was for her school and would I come and see it. So from this initial contact developed (The Aknuwat Junior High School Flooding Prevention Project) and what was only a dream for all the teachers and students has become a reality thanks to the dedication and faith of this teacher, and I say many thanks to Achhara Som because I know how much this means to the School.

So on May 1st 2009 I flew out New Zealand on Thai Air to Bangkok Thailand to meet this dedicated teacher, I arrived there at 10pm, in the morning I took a taxi right across Thailand to Cambodian border. There my luck which I always have started , I was picked up by the Royal Consul General Of Cambodia , who took me all of the way , some 290 klm to my hotel in Battambang. Having arrived there about midday I rang Achhara Som to come meet me at the hotel. I think when I first saw her it was the intensity of her eyes I noticed, so bright and full of life but behind you could see a lot pain from the years of her life

So this is an introduction to how (Aknuwat Junior High School Flooding Prevention Project) came about thanks to one amazing , caring , dedicated teacher, I think the key word here as I personally came to know her would have to be caring, this was the thing most stood out for me about this teacher , the way she cared for her fellow teachers , her students, her family and for me whilst I was there, I can say I have never in my life ever met a person like Achhara Som, who despite all the things in her life , a stolen childhood, a stolen education , a child prisoner in the civil war, to twice nearly losing her life, overcame all this to go to university and train as a teacher so she could ensure a better future for those young students growing up in a new future Cambodia. And I am sure forever she will be loved in the hearts of all, for me I know ill never forget her, nor will I ever be able to comprehend what happened in her life, but the impression, the strengh and courage she left on my life will remain forever, and I know the name Achhara Som will be a name Cambodians will remember as a teacher who loved her school so much, even at the expense of her own personal happpiness in her life.

The picture above was taken in May 2009 when I was in Cambodia; here Achhara and I are talking over the plans and the cost of each stage of the school project in the school staff administration office. Achhara Som is now The Project Manager for all 3u4peace Pathway to Life projects in Cambodia, including Cambodian membership of 3u4peace, her future role along with myself will be to oversee and implement a national school program based on the principals we have concerning peace as defined in our membership. This program we hope to have underway in 2011, when this project is finished and I can return back to live Cambodia, and Achhara, and we can then open a private school for teaching English and computer skills to teachers and students, and maybe run an internet cafe as well. Also then Cambodia will become the world headquaters for all 3u4peace activities.

Below is a photo taken on 20th May 2009 at the school with the project team after the school project board had been erected below the school Office.

From the right.

Achhara Som (Project Manager Cambodia School Funding Projects ,Director of Cambodia 3u4peace)

Tony Bulley (Project Director, Founder 3u4Peace International Peace Organization )

Sambun Ith (Assistant Project Manager Cambodia)

Target (8 Stages $12,000.00) Raised Since June 1st 2009 $3.400.00 Completed Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 4 5

Note: Tony Robin Bulley Director.20th June 2009

? What motivated me to do this.

I think at the end life when one looks back you have two things , one are memories and the other regrets, to me its not important who you are or what you are , or even what you have , but did you in fact do anything in your life that made the world we live in a better place for those generations coming. I can think of nothing better than the satifaction of seeing something accomplished that has a lasting presence that will benifit others in this life , the feeling is worth more than any money or material thing could ever give me , i think the word is a sense of worth, that i didn't waste the talants that i had but put them to good use, that my life to me counted for something.

The Choice Is ours

Tony Robin Bulley 17April 2004 ©

I sometimes wonder if we really care, Or just pretend and gaze with vacant stare

At all the death and pain in this life, Is it not our concern for others strife

Or do we feel we want to shout and cry, but in the end just walk on by

For their grief may be our day of regret, For what we left behind we cannot forget

Nor if we close our eyes and sit and pray,Without change today will be yesterday

Have we really become void and cold, Ignoring life just growing old

And if we stand and never say a word, What change will come for no one heard

And when we die and look back as we go, Will we be satisfied with what we know

That one small voice can become a swell, Creating paradise where once was h***

This poem is about life really and the choices we can make to change things. Often we see things we don’t like or that we think are not good for the world we live in,or something that needs doing, but rather than speak out or do something about it for change we say and do nothing, or think maybe someone else will do it. Not realizing that if we were to take action then others would be aware and join in and hopefully things would change for the good. Often we think well who is going to pay attention, but although we may not be aware at the time, our very outpouring will sow seeds, and those seeds will grow, it may be only one or two to start but eventually if you shout loud and long enough people will pay attention especially if its something really important concerning us all. I hope this poem is thought provoking, it gives us choices in life, things we can act upon, things we can do and change for the better of all mankind, and above all this is love hope and charity choices well worth having. Tony Robin Bulley 17/05/2004 Revised 20/06/2009.

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Cambodian School Funding Project
3U4Peace International Peace Organization
Delphi Website Design Services Ngaruawahia New Zealand Webmaster Tony Robin Bulley - Brian Rowell Copyright © 1999

 (Photographic Team Cambodia) Achhara Som Project Manager - Sambun Ith Assistant Project Manager Copyright © 

 (Costs Administration) Borath Lang Aknuwat Junior High School Teacher Administrator Copyright © 

This Website Was Originally posted April 23rd 1999 By Pathway To Life Till April 5th 2009

This Page Was Posted by 3u4peace international Peace Organization on Sunday April 5th 2009

last revised Tuesday 28 December 2010