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The End of A Dream

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Gentle Temptation
In Too Deep
Is my Bitterness Gone Wrong?
It's Like Suicide
Lack of.
Life as a Poet
Me, Myself, and I
My Moment in Time
Poem of that Night
Sudden Awakening
The Day I Died
Timeline of Memories

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Sudden Awakening

When you close your eyes,
You lose track of time,
and all that goes on
All of the sudden you’re wrong.
It’s been snatched from your hands,
you wonder if you’ll ever get it back,
and now you realize how much you lack
You’ve left yourself hopeless.
Who will dictate what you do,
It will be all so strangely new,
Will you ever deal
You feel the most bewildered you’ll ever feel.
The problems that have always been
they loom above your head
and all those that will ever be
sitting at your feet.
Where has your life gone?
Nowhere but…down the drain.
And now I’m awake.

© Gemma Loud

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