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Subject Sampler!

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Mind/Body Health

Activities on Personality, Exercise, Sleep, and Nutrition...


How would you like to live a happy healthy life? Well take out a pencil and paper because you may want to list some items that you should be doing everyday. Remember, we should be treating our bodies as precious temples. We only have one body per lifetime and we need to take care it to the best of our ability.

Today we will learn some very interesting facts about our bodies and how important it is to take care of it. We will explore many avenues of being healthy. In addition, we will discover some facts that we may not be aware of when it comes to our body and our health.

Internet Activities

Personality Test

Activity: Click on the personality link to take this personality test and discover your strengths and     weaknesses! Understanding yourself and others can contribute to good communication and healthy relationships.



  1. Which type of exercise is the quickest "fat burner" and has the biggest advantage of strengthening the heart?
  2. List three benefits exercise offers?
  3. How can proper breathing techniques effect the pressure in the chest?
  4. Keep a record of how many of the following you can do in a minute: jumping jacks, sit-ups, and push-ups. Have a friend keep time and record the results. (This data will be used to create a class graph.)



  1. According to scientists, how many hours of sleep does the average person need?
  2. Think of the last time you stayed up real late and had to wake up for school early the next morning. Write a paragraph on how you felt the next day.
  3. How much of your life do you spend asleep?
  4. Document what time you go to sleep and wake up everyday for one week. Make a graph to show the number of hours you slept daily and total the number of hours you slept for that week. You may include naps.



  1. Read the information on the Food Guide Pyramid. How many servings of fruit should we eat a day.?
  2. According to the Food Guide Pyramid, if you had to prepare a meal for your family, what would you prepare? Present in a menu format.
  3. Why is calcium important to our bodies?
  4. According to the calcium chart, how many milligrams of calcium to you need?  Make a chart showing the amount of milligrams you and your family need.
  5. List 5 ways to give your body the calcium it craves.


These are just a few facts about our health. You are encouraged to keep learning more information on your body. There is a vast amount of additional information on the personality, exercise, nutrition and rest. You may want to challenge yourself on trying to improve your eating habits and exercise routines. Start today and notice the change in your energy level and overall attitude toward life!

Good Luck!