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See if you can answer these questions on nutrition! Use the links provided to help you out...


1. What is makes up 60% of body mass?  _______  Utah Health-BMI

2. A protein that contains all of the essential amino acids is_______.

3. Most of the calories in your diet should come from______% carbohydrates.  Nutrition.Gov

4. The guide that tells how many servings from each food group are recommended each day is the______.

5. ________is the rate at which food is converted into energy. Nutrition Navigator

6. The number of calories the body uses at rest is the _______rate.

7. ______vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, and brussel sprouts may reduce the risk of developing cancer.  Tips on Eating Well.

8. A substance that is added to the diet to increase the total dietary intake is a _______.

9. A fat-like substance that protects cells from being damaged by oxidation is________.

10. An eating disorder in which a person starves himself or herself and weighs 15% or more below the desirable weight is_________. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia


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