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Boldly Proclaiming The Word of God to the World.

Elements of Christian Success

The Bible gives us instructions on what a Christian is, what a Christian does, and how to successfully live the Christian life. I would like to suggest seven elements of Christian success.

COMMITMENT - Luke 9:57-62; Jesus indicates that we must be completely committed to following him. We must be willing to cast off all the elements of this earthly life, including family and concern for such normal earthly things like a regular home. And once we had made the commitment which must not look back. For Jesus warns that such an individual is not fit for the kingdom of God.

DEDICATION - Romans 12:1-2; Paul urges us to offer our bodies (our hands to reach out to the poor, our arms to embrace the down trodden, our lips to speak the words of God) as living sacrifices, for this is our duty of spiritual worship.

BOLDNESS - Acts 5:40-42, Acts 28:31; Peter and Paul were flogged and told to stop preaching Jesus, and went right on preaching with joy that they had been counted worthy of suffering for His name. Paul was being held under guard in a small house in Rome while awaiting trial before Caesar; and even in those circumstances he "boldly preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ."

PREPARATION - Acts 13:3; Fasting, prayer, and the laying on of hands of the congregation prepare people to go forth and proclaim the Word of God.

SUBMISSION - James 4:7-8; If we completely submit ourself to God, Satan will flee, and the Holy Spirit will abide with us.

KNOWLEDGE - Romans 10:17; The knowledge we need to have the kind of faith required to be successful Christians come from hearing (and reading) the Word of God.

WILLINGNESS - Luke 22:42; Jesus prayed to his Father and asked that, if he (God) be willing, that the cup of sacrifice be taken from him. But Jesus made it clear that he was willing to do the Father's will. This is the willingness we must show to Christ to share in the Glory which his Father bestows on him because of his willingness.

May the Grace of God, the love of Jesus, and the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you. Amen.

Feature Essays

Faith: What is it?

What is faith? When you say you have faith in God, and faith is Jesus, what do you mean? I am sure you have been asked that by non-Christian friends and acquaintances at school and work. So, how do you answer that question.

A Picture of the Church - Community, Worship and Service

Acts chapter 2

Lessons for today from a description of how the early church lived and worshiped in the ancient world.

Tending the Flock

1 Peter 5:2,3

Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers - not because you must, but because you are willing.

Witnessing: Sharing your faith with others.

Jesus tells us that we are the light of the world and the salt of the Earth. He sends us out to spread the good news of salvation for all through belief in Jesus Christ.

Here you will find encouragement and some suggestions to help you get out there and boldly "preach the Kingdom of God and teach about the Lord Jesus Christ."

Obedience to Civil Authorities

With the current interest in what is being called "The Sanctuary Movement," we should consider what the Bible says about our obligations to laws and authority. Unlike those behind this new Social Action movement, Christians do not have the right to choose which laws we will obey and which we will not.

Canaanite Contamination

When God led the children of Israel into the land He had promised them, He told them to clear out all of the old. He did not want any of the old people with their ideas and ways to contaminate the new nation He was intending to create. Likewise, when God calls us to a new life in Christ, he wants us to cast off all of the old.

A Transformed Character

Romans 12:2

For this particular verse I would like to refer to Dr. William Barclay. (1907-1978) He was a world-renowned New Testament interpreter and Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism at Glasgow University in Scotland. He wrote over fifty books, and was best know for his deep understanding of the Greek of Paul's day. That is very important to this discussion. For understanding this verse comes down to understanding the words translated as "conformed," and "transformed."

First, in verse one Paul is basically saying that instead of just saying we are going to church to worship God, we should say we are going to work, to the store, to the office, to school to worship God. In other words, we should worship God in everything we do.

This requires a radical change. We must be not conformed to the world but transformed from it. Here Paul uses two almost untranslatable Greek words; words which have taken almost sentences to express. The word he uses to be conformed to the world is suschematizesthai; its root is schema, which means the outward form that varies from year to year and from day to day. One's schema is not the same at age 17 as it is at 70. Nor is it the same when going to work or school as it is when dressed for a special occasion. It is continuously altering. So Paul says: Don't try to match your life to all the fashions of this world; don't be like a chameleon which takes its color from its surroundings. In other words, don't be one way at work or school, one way with your best friends, and another way at church.

The word Paul uses for being transformed from the world is metamorphousthai. Its root is morphe, which means the essential unchanging shape of anything. We do not have the same schema at 17 and 70, but we have the same morphe. When we are dressed for work or school we do not have the same schema as when we are dressed for a fancy night out, but we have the same morphe. The outward appearance changes, but inwardly we are the same. So Paul says that to truly worship and serve God we must change, not our outward form, but our inward personality. We must live a life kata Christon or kata pneuma, dominated by Christ or the Spirit.

Paul says this inward change happens by the renewal of your mind. The word he uses for renewal is anakainosis. The root of this word is kainos which means new in point of character and nature. When Christ comes into our life our way of thinking about what is good, right, nice, fun, and everything else changes. We see the world and ourselves differently.

As a result of this change we are able to worship and praise God in everything we do every moment of the day. Whether at work or school, at home or out with friends, being in the church building or in the car. For it is what is going on in our inward personality where true worship occurs, not what we are doing or listening to outwardly.

May the Lord bless you with His Holy Spirit at all time and in all the moments of your life. Amen.

Stephen's Story

by Nathan Sheen

Nathan Sheen There was a time when I was a skeptic of all I know and believe now. One day I was told of a man who came and fulfilled the prophecies of the prophets. I accepted this and I was given the Holy Spirit. My goal was to do the work that Jesus had appointed the Church.

One day the twelve approached me and told me that the church was growing so fast that they were unable to handle everything themselves. They chose seven of us. Their names were; Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and myself.

We were to give food to the poor and hungry, and minster to them while we were doing this. I did everything I was instructed to do. God did amazing things while I preached and helped many people. We were doing what Jesus had instructed us to do. I cannot explain the Joy I had every time I saw a person receive the Holy Spirit.

One day some of the men from the synagogue came and asked me many questions concerning Jesus. I was overjoyed by this. These men could led thousands to Jesus. Instead, these men returned to the synagogue, and soon the people became very angry with me. The elders came and took me to a council. I was frightened by this. What was happening? Men came forward and told lies about me. I was very upset by this. I began praying to God for wisdom for my defense. Soon they asked me if I had a defense.

I told them of Abraham, and how God had promised him this land. I told them how Jacob lived in this land. I told them how Joseph saved Israel from desecration. I told them how Moses led the people out of Egypt. I told them how Solomon built the temple for God to live in.

Then God led me to get direct with the elders and other men in the room. I said that they were no better than the men who had murdered the prophets of old. They were very offended by this.

Then I saw the most wonderful and desirable thing; Jesus with the Father in Heaven sitting together. I shouted out what I was seeing. The men, being very upset, rushed at me and carried me outside the city. They began throwing stones aimed at my head. The stones became larger and harder. As I lay dieing I screamed out to God that he would not punish these men for my death. I then laid down and died.

I am with Jesus now.

What's my Name? My name is Stephen. I was a Bold witness for God.

May you be blessed and encouraged by my story.


Be careful who you trust.

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire." Matthew 7:15-19(KJV)

The Cost of Following Jesus

Luke 9:57-62

In this passage Jesus makes it quite clear that following him means leaving behind all the things of a normal life. A certain place to lay our head at night, parents, spouse, children, and our own desires must no longer be of any importance to us. And once we have made the decision to take up our cross and follow Jesus, we must not look back. For Jesus says, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." (NIV)

Go forth boldly and serve Him.

A Memo From God

I, the Lord, am your shepherd; you shall not want.
I will make you lie down in green pastures; I will lead you beside quite waters; I will restore your soul.
I will guide you in paths of righteousness for my names sake.
Even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you shall fear no evil, for I am with you; my rod and my staff, they comfort you.
I will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies. I will anoint your head with oil; your cup will overflow.
Surely goodness and love shall follow you all the days of your life, and you will dwell in my house forever. Amen.

A para-phrase of Psalm 23.

Dancing and Shouting Before the Lord

Scripture reference: 2 Samuel 6:14-23

This is the story of how the Arch of the Covenant was returned to Jerusalem after David has defeated Israel's enemies and established Jerusalem and Israel as the center of power in all the land. The Bible tells us that David and all the people danced and shouted and played trumpets in celebration and praise of God. But David's wife, the daughter of Saul, "despised him in her heart" when she saw him dancing and shouting among the people before the Lord. Did God approve of her attitude concerning people vigorously giving him praise? No. The last verse of chapter 6 tells us that the disapproving woman "had no children unto the day of her death.

Some have suggested that there is only one proper way to worship and praise God. And it must not include any excited behavior such as standing up, shouting, waving your hands and arms in the air, swaying your body to the music of a praise band, or any Contemporary Christian Music. All of these activities and the people who indulge in them are "despised" by those who believe the modern praise band and Contemporary Christian Music are contradictory to Biblical teachings and inappropriate for both the Christian lifestyle and worship. They should consider carefully our referenced scripture passage. Especially since they are so convinced the scriptures support their position.

As for me, I love to dance and shout in praise to God during the worship and praise service at Spirit and Truth Worship Center. It really puts me in touch with the spirit of the Lord, and fills me with his great love and that peace that passes understanding. So, like David, I will continue to dance and shout before the Lord. Praise God!