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E-Medical Records Keeping | Fee Schedule | AARP Bulletin


Paper Files

E-Medical Records Keeping
Archival E-Data Storage

Digital Files


Electronic Record Keeping Has Arrived!!

     A Senate committee in July passed a bipartisan bill promoting electronic record keeping.

     Medicare is promoting electronic record keeping. Projects have incentives built into them to put electronic health records in place.

     We reduce and return to you your present great space taking paper file, which is venerable to all kinds of damaging hazards, to an electronic recorded CD. We also retain a copy in our archival vault in case some unforeseen damage befalls your original CD.

     Our people and our workplace stations are in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. (HIPAA)


For cost information please link to our fees page.


Please contact us for an Estimate:


E-Medical Records Keeping 
P.O. Box 898
Seabrook, Texas 77586
Gerry Guerrieri, President

Phone/Fax 281-474-4485 - Mobile 281-744-3537




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by J&C Associates