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E-Medical Records Keeping | Fee Schedule | AARP Bulletin


Paper Files

E-Medical Records Keeping

P.O. Box 898, Seabrook, Texas 77586
Phone/Fax 281-474-4485 
Gerry Guerrieri - President

Digital Files


We present to you our Fee for reducing a paper file to an electronically recorded CD disc.

  Scanning Client’s records into Adobe Acrobat PDF Files (300 DPI)   0.10 per page
  Creating CD for Client by desired category with label indexed Name & Number   $4.00/CD
  Document Preparation-staple removal, all small documents copied onto full size
  sheet, backside copying, copying photo & graphics
  0.04 per page
  Your Option: Shredding original documents upon your written approval.   1.00/ per file
  Average cost per 25 page file (Shredding not included)   $7.50

We would accept files in batches of 50 files and invoice upon delivery of the completed work with payment terms of Net 15 days.

Client is totally responsible for the data while in transit to and from E-Medical Records Keeping.

Client has the option of our pick-up and delivery service of your records with-in the Houston metropolis at a nominal mileage charge.

We are in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

E-Medical Records Keeping believes that our client confidentiality is of utmost importance. A Privacy Statement would accompany our official bid should you favor us with a request for a bid.



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